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I know not how the shadow of a thought Might fall across a poet's dreamful way; But in such brains strange things Are often by the vagrant fancy caught And thrown aside, as mimics in a play, Vexing the Harpist's strings.

A doubt obscured my fondest hope, Intangible as are forgotten dreams; T'was but the shade through which the heart must grope, Ere on it Love doth shed her ardent beams.

There fell a shadow of a thought across my way,
Deep set and strangely out of shape with things
About me here, - 'tis but a cloud which Day
Hath brought to chide before Love's joy she sings.

I know not why, but it is true - it may, In some way, be because he was a child Of the fierce sun 'neath which I wept and smiled - I love the dark browed Poe. His too short day Was lived in dreams, in dreams that him beguiled. When not along his…

What matter if the world be right or wrong, The wrong to-day, to-morrow brings to sight, Or else the right supreme and strong. But stop, I am aweary, quench the light, Life's problems is beyong my hapless song, I dream to nothingness - to self -…

What matters if the world be wrong or right,
The wrong to-day to-morrow brings to sight,
O'er all supreme the one and only right.
The problem's past my solving, hapless wight,
I only know I'm tired, quench the light,
To all the universe, good…

SongI walked alone thro' the forest,The noon-day sun was shining,And zephyrs softly whisperedTo wild flowers there reclining;The birds sang joyous music,The wood rang with their lay.And my heart caught their rapture,And soared in bliss away.A cloud…

Sweet the mission that it brings,O'er our life a joy it flings,We now hail it with delight,Like a vision calm and bright.Through the vale of passing years,Through the mist of earthly cares,Summer comes with breezes sweet,Loving homes and hearts to…

Ah, Fancy, what a prank you've played me, To make me dream of fate assured You should have said she did not want me, Just think, I may've the other girl secured.

A dreamer? Yes. Why not? You have your way.
You think, perhaps you even dream. I know
Not if you dream like me; but whether so
Or otherwise, have you ne'er felt the day
Steal to your heart and bring the light and play
Of incompleted want? Hath…
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