Browse Items (82 total)

Cultivate the priceless talents, Well bestowed on us by God, Study hard to win the laurels, You will reap a sure reward. Sink down deep in mines of learning, Draw up Wisdom's golden arts, Keep her precious treasures near you, In the storehouse…

One beautiful Easter morning, While nature seemed fresh and fair, Three children of men with their offerings Went up to the house of prayer. The first one laid on the altar A goodly sum of gold, Saying "This is my Easter offering But my heart…

What are the joys that Christmas brings? Are they the gifts of precious things From loved ones near? Then, should all happiness be flown And poverty and hate unknown, In forms so drear! What joys dost thou, dear Christmas, bring? What makes our…

O'dearest Christ, lift up my heart, Light up my soul to love Thee more; Let me with angels bear my part, Bow down and worship and adore. O Holy, Glorious Majesty, I would be where the sainted dwell; I would in spirit rise to Thee Above the…

When troubles dark and stormy Thou seest fit to send, We beg Thee to Thy servants Thy precious grace to lend. O, Father and the Son, We pray, Thy will be done. When death, the stern dark reaper, Takes from our jealous care Those we most dearly…

Let mad ambition strive to gain
The cherished wish that yields but pain;
Let others seek for wealth alone
And with its cares their life atone;
But let me live my fleeting hour
The slave of love's divinest power.

If in the shadows I should linger long. - If I should faint and stumble by the way,And all the light should vanish from the day,Forgetting not that I had done you wrong,Remembering only love's all-conquering sway,Would you, sweet one, to my fond suit…

Is't well to bruise the heart that loves thee well? Is't well to give for kindness veiled hate? Is't well to war 'gainst all-conquering Fate? So much it is for thee to know and tell! For me, through all the years, alone, I wait, Happy, when most…

Let the phantoms of the nightShriek and scream their mad delight!Let the ghosts that haunt the gloomCome forth from their clammy tomb!Let the Furies of the deep Through the slumbering midnight sweep!What care I! For, truth to tell.With such creatures…

The waves dashed high, the thunders echoed far, -
The lightnings flashed into the dismal gloom
The flames heated in Nature's troubled womb;
And earth was shaken by the furious war;
The Ship of State was strained in every spar;
And strong men…
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