The Three Easter Offerings

Dublin Core


The Three Easter Offerings


One beautiful Easter morning,

While nature seemed fresh and fair,

Three children of men with their offerings

Went up to the house of prayer.

The first one laid on the altar

A goodly sum of gold,

Saying "This is my Easter offering

But my heart I still withhold."

The next laid in profusion

Her floral offerings there,

And whispered as their fragrance

Floated out upon the air:

"This is my Easter offering, Lord,

And thy follower I would be,

But earthly pleasures still I find

Are very dear to me."

And now the third and last came up

To make offer to the Lord;

No gold nor floral offerings

Can this lowly one afford;

But kneeling at the altar

There falls a penitent tear,

As this earnest prayer goes upward

To God's ever listening ear:

"Lord! who hast suffered and died for me,

My heart I consecrate to thee, -

This is my Easter offering, Lord,

May it accepted be."

And out of the depth of His great love

God cleansed that heart from sin,

And a peace, past all understanding,

Then filled her soul within.

The organ pealed forth sweet heavenly strains,

The choir sang "Praise ye the Lord,"

And the angels rejoiced in heaven

O'er that new born soul to God.

And the Searcher of hearts that morning,

Looking down from His throne above,

Saw which of the Easter offerings

Was the pure heart offering of love.


Mrs. Annie J. Gassaway


4:27, p. 2





Mrs. Annie J. Gassaway, “The Three Easter Offerings,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 16, 2024,


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