Browse Items (82 total)

In token of the love you gave, The faith, the trust, reposed in me, When our young hearts were glad and free, I plant these flowers upon your grave! The world is far too poor to give A value like it took away; I nevermore a joyous day, Since…

Is't well to bruise the heart that loves thee well? Is't well to give for kindness veiled hate? Is't well to war 'gainst all-conquering Fate? So much it is for thee to know and tell! For me, through all the years, alone, I wait, Happy, when most…

And thou art eight years old to-day?
How swiftly pass the years away!
Thy life has been a happy dream,
As bright as any bright sunbeam.
And may each birthday bring to thee
The gladness thou hast brought to me.
May length of years be thine to…

All day long in the crowded street,
Wand'ring about with shoeless feet,
Waif of the shadows, poor and sad,
No cheering friend to make her glad,
No one has she to light her way,
She walks about the long, long day,
Holding flowers to passers…

My youth? Ah, yes; just through the door; yes, there. The room is empty? Strange. I left it not A moment since, I vow, upon a chair Just where you looked; and now 'tis gone? Sad lot. The past's a thief. 'Twas first my childhood, now It is my…

Did'st thou see, Love this dawning Sweet rose? I've wandered O, so far, Sweet rose; Yes, wandered since the morning First stole her speech from night And gave the world forewarning Of loss of sleep and star;And, yet, Iv'e caught no sight Of…

If in the shadows I should linger long. - If I should faint and stumble by the way,And all the light should vanish from the day,Forgetting not that I had done you wrong,Remembering only love's all-conquering sway,Would you, sweet one, to my fond suit…

Let mad ambition strive to gain
The cherished wish that yields but pain;
Let others seek for wealth alone
And with its cares their life atone;
But let me live my fleeting hour
The slave of love's divinest power.

In my ladys silken hair,
Nestling low in fragrance there,
Slept a flower, a bud of May,
Soft and pure as breath of day,
Greeting morn before the sun
Has his waking well begun.
And I wonder if my love
Is a vision from above;
If the angels gave…

When once the mountain stream has mingled with the sea.
Think you it can again a mountain stream 'er be?
Does it not take the grander and more awful form
Of the blue waters, where abides the king of storm?
So, lives that once have mingled in…
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