Browse Items (82 total)

A sacred spot is this beside this grave:Here lies the one who nursed me at her breastAsleep in ever boundless, endless rest,Beyond the reach of earth's wild-aching craveTo live, beyond the grasp of fears that braveThe protests of the soul. Divine…

'Tis many days have breathed their life away Since first we met, old boy; some dark as night, In shadows steeped in woe, which put to flight Those restful dreams of youth, that gentle sway Of Love's sweet spell which made bright havoc play Unhurtful…

Only a bunch of lilacs, Laid on a coffin lid; 'Neath which the face of a loved one From tearful eyes lies hid. Only a loving tribute From hands by toil made hard. Blossoms from Nature's garden Or cotter's humble yard. Only a bunch of…

If doubting Tom should chance to find Himself in angel company, He'd say that he did devils see And point their horns to prove their kind ------------------ Thy life is blameless, spotless, pure; 'Tis well 'tis so, - 'twere better so Than…

Ah, Fancy, what a prank you've played me, To make me dream of fate assured You should have said she did not want me, Just think, I may've the other girl secured.

Two bright, brown eyes, which told a story now
Of joy and then - reproach and pain and - loved.
Ah, winds canst bring me from the dreams above
That spell again, that life, that joy, that vow?

The dead - I wish them back? Ah, no.
I linger with the fragrance of this rose,
I hold in loving thought the dead, but chose
Them life again? What use? To come - to go?

Suppose the Day should wake some mornAnd find the Sun had left the skyTo Night, would she take wing and flyTo bring him back to hearts forlorn?Suppose the Night should come some eveAnd find the Stars had left the skyTo Day, would she take wing and…

There fell a shadow of a thought across my way,
Deep set and strangely out of shape with things
About me here, - 'tis but a cloud which Day
Hath brought to chide before Love's joy she sings.

A doubt obscured my fondest hope, Intangible as are forgotten dreams; T'was but the shade through which the heart must grope, Ere on it Love doth shed her ardent beams.
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