Browse Items (213 total)

Time is drawing nearer, nearer, While our heads are turning gray; Tears are falling on life's mirror Every day! Time is closing beauty's portals, Flowers are blooming to decay; Fate is delving graves for mortals Every day! While our…

Under the wave!Keel that has girt its furrow round the world,Canvas to every ocean breeze unfurled,Cordage that rang like harp-strings to the blast,Lithe spars that bent and struggled as it past,Like wrestler's braveInto the surging gulf of waters…

O! dreadful, crushing thought, that grinds itselfInto the soul of him who knows and feelsHe bears a name whose mention will debarHim from all right. It indicates no crime—Fixes upon the soul no stain of sin—And from the exalted character of manTakes…

See, Freedom's eagle droops her plume, And bends her noble crest, In grief for him who martyred fell, In Liberty's contest. Not Broderick only, but the cause Was riven by the blow, And treachery, with blackened art, Has slain her bravest…

Our brother has fallen, his spirit has fledTo God who gave it. He sleepeth—not deadHe liveth in Heaven the city of God,Forever redeemed through Jesus the Word,He's fallen—weep not,—how happy his lot!Though fallen, yet risen—with us he is not.—He is…

Thy work is done, thy toiling ceased,And from thy cares thou seekest rest;Thou hast done well, a race wll bless,And heavn reward thy faithfulness.Thy voice was heard for human right,Thy heart grew strong and spent its mightFor human weal. Thy beacon…

I miss thee, dear daughter—thy image is still Most deeply impressed on my heart; A remembrance of Lee and his murderous will, From my worn mind can never depart. Thou wert torn from my side when I treasured thee most, When my reason could…

Thou art gone, brave man, yet hope has loaned Her rays to light the gloom, And dispel the tears that sorrow shed Upon the hero's tomb. Thy end was as the setting sun, Whose tints forbid regret, A rainbow mid the clouds, to show That God…

Linger not long! Home is not home without thee, Its dearest token only make me mourn: Oh! let its memory, like a chain about thee, Gently compel and hasten thy return. Linger not long! Linger not long! Though crowds should woo thy…

Do something for each other— Though small the help may be; There's comfort oft in little things, Far more than others see! It takes the sorrow from the eye, It leaves the world less bare, If but a friendly hand come nigh When friendly hands…
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