Browse Items (213 total)

"Not fully known!" Oh. friends who gather round her. Amid the anguish of this hour of fear, Through all the horrors of the fate that bound her. Was this the form that ye have held so dear? Lover, within whose ear a voice still lingers, Thrilling…

There's a whisper round my soul, father, And it tells me I must go, While my heart throbs back the answer, In beating so faint and low. I am sorry to leave you, father, I know you will miss me so, And the world, for you, will gather Such a…

Some years ago, when I was young, And filled with hope and pride and folly, Ere sorrow came, and o'er me flung Its gloomy pall of melancholy, I had a friend of just my years, I loved him with deep devotion; His griefs and joys, his hopes and…

Toussaint, the most unhappy of men! Whether the whistling rustic tends his plough, Within thy hearing, or thou liest now Buried in some deep dungeon's carless den;—O, miserable chieftain! where and when Wilt thou find patience? Yet, die not! Do…

The world, dear John, as the folks told us, Is a world of trouble and care; Many a cloud of grief will enfold us, And the sunshine of grief is but rare. But there's something yet to be bright and blest in, No matter how humble the lot; The…

Crouching on the marble steps That led into a house of prayer. Sat a girl with face half hidden 'Neath a veil of tangled hair, Looking like a fallen angel, Come to find a shelter there. Loudly blew the winds around her, Coldly fell the…

[The following sweet poem was read by the authoress at the re-opening of Colored Grammar School No. 1, March 12, 1860.—ED. ANGLO-AFRICAN]Take the footstool, little creature— Place it very gently down; Smooth the wrinkles very neatly From the…

Little white hands, Pale, pleading face, Beseeching, imploring— O! piteous case! Hear the harsh answer— See the rough blow; Mad, like a torrent, The bitter tears flow. A demon the man, An angel the wife; Ill-mated, ill-fated— Death wedded…

Once in life's young, cheerful day, Two youthful hearts were joined together— One in sorrow, one in play, So truly did they love each other. Thus to maidenhood they grew: Affection's chain so closely bound them That 'twas useless, all well…

"Died, at Rochester, Tuesday, March 13, 1860, Annie, youngest daughter of Frederick and Anna Douglass, aged 10 years, 11 months, and 21 days. Smitten with grief at the absence of her father, she pined away and died, her mind having become impressed…
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