Browse Items (213 total)

"Whatsoever thy hands find to do, do with thy might, for there is no work nor device in the grave wither thou goest."Exceeding far the swiftest steed,Unseen and silent, with them speed,And fast as stars fleet through the sky,The wings of time are…

Sit I at the open window, On this dewy Summer morn, Where the honeysuckle blossoms Mid a wealth of green are born; Sit I, gazing outward, outward Through the lazy, hazy air, Breathing in the fragrant incense To my senses wafted there. There…

Rejoice, ye fathers in Israel—Ye mothers in Zion, weep for joy!Awake, ye sons of Judah, and sing!Ye daughters of Jerusalem, shout—Shout: To Zion hath returnedThe ransomed of the Lord! Years hath ye wept Bitter tears: mournings and lamentationsFrom…

Thank God! that thou hast spoken Words earnest, true, and brave: The lightning of thy lips has smote The fetters of the slave. I thought the shadows deepened, Round the pathway of the slave, As one by one his faithful friends Were dropping in…

Let us say be cheerful, Whatsoe'er betide: Life is not all tearful— There's a sunny side. Vernal zephyr's banish Winter's frosts afar; Midnight's specters vanish With the morning star. Every deep depression, With its chills and blights, Has…

Indeed! this permission is worthy of praise:You'll allow our dark brother to ride—if he pays,Though, of course, we must seat him aloof and afar—Swart night from blonde day has a separate car!—On this "social distinction" no jeers I would call,The…

Our children! O, those magic words, They vibrate through the frame As if the chords of life were touched, And sacred music came. Our children! though but simple words, Yet peace and joy impart; They serve us as a link to bind Hope's rainbow…

March 29th, A.D. 1860, an attempt was made in Philadelphia to rescue Moses Horner, a man who had been kidnapped under the fugitive slave act, and was being dragged into slavery. For this attempt Alfred M. Green, Jeremiah Buck, Basil Hall, St. Clair…

Spring was busy in the woodlands, Climbing up from peak to peak, As an old man sat and brooded, With a flush upon his cheek. Many years pressed hard upon him, And his living friends were few, And from out the sombre future Troubles drifted…

When Goethe was told that he was about to die, he folded his arms calmly, and said, "Let the light enter." Light, more light! the shadows deepen, And my life is ebbing low; Throw the windows widely open— Light, more light, before I go. Softly let…
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