Browse Items (213 total)

They say these stars do shine more bright Than those of the Northern zone, And these skies do glow with a warmer light Than freedom's land doth own. They tell me that where the bondmen flee My brothers starve and die; But oh! I would go where…

'T was the grey of the evening. A consorious spellCame over my thoughts, as the shade o'er the dell;For the spirit of liberty mantled the plain,But wherever I moved was the clank of a chain.The cattle were lowing and seeking their rest,And songsters…

"Carry me across!" The Syrian heard, rose up, and braced His huge limbs to the accustomed toil;"My child, see how the waters boil!The nights-black heavens look angry-faced; But life is little loss. "I'll carry thee with joy, If needs…

Men of the North and West, Wake in your might, Prepare, as the rebels have done; For the Fight; You cannot shrink from the test, Rise! Men of the North and West! They have torn down your banner of stars; They have trampled the laws; They have…

I love it—I love it—the laugh of a child,Now rippling and gentle, now merry and wild,Ringing out on the air with its innocent gush,Like the thrill of a bird at the twilight's soft hush;Floating off on the breeze like the tones of a bell,Or the music…

Tune—Happy-HomeSend the glad tidings o'er the sea,—His chains are broke, the Slave is free;Britannia's justice, wealth, and mightHave gained the Negro's long-lost right!His chains are broke, the Slave is free,—This is the Negro's jubilee!Hail!…

There's music in the airWhen the infant morn is nigh,When faint its blush is seenOn the bright and laughing sky.Many a harp's extatic sound,With its thrill of joy profound,While we list enchanted thereTo the music in the air.There's music in the…

Yield not the RightIn Freedom's fight;The rallying cry renew,Ye patriots who have fought and won,And yet the war is but begun;Humanity in youStill trusts; be true!Yield not your RightIn Freedom's fight;Our Country is not free,While yet one soul that…

See them go forth like the floods to the ocean. Gathering might from each tide mountains and glen. Wilder and deeper the tide of devotion Rolls up to God from the bosom of men. Here the great multitude, mingling in chorus. Groan as they gaze…

When we hear the music ringing Through the bright celestial dume, When sweet angels voices singing, Gladly bid us welcome home To the land of ancient story, Where the spirit knows no care, In the land of light and glory, "Shall we know each…
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