Browse Items (213 total)

Slavery, O Slavery! I cannot conceiveWhy judges and magistrates do not relieveMy down-trodden people from under thy hand,Restore them their freedom, and give them their land.The loud voice of reason incessantly cries,Ye lovers of Mammon, when will ye…

They sat and combed their beautiful hair, Their long bright tresses, one by one, As they laughed and talked in the chamber there, After the revel was done. Idly they talked of waltz and quadrille, Idly they laughed, like other girls, Who over…

No seas again shall sever, No desert intervene; No deep and rolling river Shall roll its tide between. No bleak cliffs upward tow'ring Shall bound our eager sight; No tempest darkly lowering, Shall warp us in its night. Love, and unsevered…

Hind quarters of the type of innocence,Whether with peas and mint I must dispenseOr go the twain, blaspheming the expense.And thus enjoy thee in the fullest sense, That is the question. Rear section of young mutton—tender food—Just in the dawn of…

Down, down, Ellen, my little one, Climbing so tenderly up to my knee; Why should you add to the thoughts that are taunting me, Dreams of your mother's arms clinging to me? Cease, cease, Ellen my little one, Warbling so fairily close to my…

Arise, for the day is passing— While you lie dreaming on, Your brothers are eased in armor, And forth to the fight are gone; Your place in the ranks awaits you— Each man has a part to play; The past and the future are nothing In the face of…

The tent-lights glimmer on the land,
The ship-lights on the sea;
The night-wind smooths with drifting sand
Our track on lone Tybee.

At last our grating keels outslide,
Our good boats forward swing;
And while we ride the…

Autumn! I love thy tinted looks, Thy faded leaves, and chilling brooks, And variegated flowers; Thy cooling winds and wither'd grass, Precurser of the stormy glast, And fluctuating showers. Thy cloudy days and chilling nights, And ripen'd fruits,…

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on. I have seen Him in the…

Bear thee up bravely, Strong heart and true, Meet thy woes gravely, Strive with them too! Let them not win from thee Tears of regret; Such were a sin for thee— Hope for good yet! Rouse thee from drooping, Care-laden soul. Mournfully…
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