Browse Items (213 total)

Dr. John Pierpont, at the Boston Anti-Slavery Fair, in 1842, being asked for his autograph, hastily dashed off the following:Onemouth andoneback to two hands is the law That the hand of his Maker has stamped upon man; But Slavery lays on God's…

No blots on the banner of Light! No Slaves in the land of the Free! No Wrong should be rampant where all should be Right, No sin that is shameful to see! America,—show the wide world in thy strength How sternly determined thou art To cut from…

Behold against the western skyThe sacred banner waves on high;That banner which our race has borneA thousand years triumphant on,Gleaming through England's glorious days,Lightning our father's darkest ways,The beacon bright on Plymouth's night,The…

Ah! dark skinned tribes, though black we be,God, our creator, made us free;To all He life and being gave,But never, never made a slave.His works, all wondrous to behold,Proclaim to us a power untold;He made the sea and formed the wave,But never,…

"When thy judgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness."—Bible.Judgement slumbered—God in mercy Stayed his strong avenging hand Sent them priests, and sent them prophets— But they would not…

"Suffer little children to cmoe to unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."They are going—only going— Jesus called them long ago; All the wintry time they're passing Softly as the falling snow. When the violets in the…

What though the homespun suit he wears— Best suit to the sons of toil— What though no coarser food he fares, And tends the loom, or tills the soil; What though no gold-leaf gilds the tongue, Devoted to congenial chat— If Right prevails, and not…

Ho! thou traveller on life's highway, Moving carelessly along— Pausing not to watch the shadows Lowering o'er the mighty throng! Stand aside, and mark how feebly Some are struggling in the fight. Turning on thee wistful glances— Begging thee…

The mildest, prettiest little girl— Ah! woe is me!— Who ever wore her hair in curl, Was Rosalie. Her hazel eyes and hair of jet I put in rhyme; I loved her from the hour we met— O, happy time. On day I asked her, "Wi't thou wed?" Assent she…

There is a peaceful home above, Where all who bear below The cross of Christ, is faith and love, As equal heirs may go. There is a fount, whose waters gush With life beyond the grave, Whereof the master will not blush To drink beside the…
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