Browse Items (213 total)

We do not mourn thee, bravest of the brave; Thou findest now that peace on earth denied thee, Thou dwellest now in radiant light and glory; A monument to Freedom is thy grave. Thou hast fulfilled the mission thee assigned, That mission of…

"There's no such thing as death;" To those who think aright, 'Tis but the racer casting off What most impedes his flight: 'Tis but one little act, Life's drama must contain; One struggle keener than the rest, And then an end of pain. "There's…

Thy work is done, thy toiling ceased,And from thy cares thou seekest rest;Thou hast done well, a race wll bless,And heavn reward thy faithfulness.Thy voice was heard for human right,Thy heart grew strong and spent its mightFor human weal. Thy beacon…

Cotton is king, high priest of Mammon, Ruling the nation with imperial sway; His will is law, all else is gammon— The people murmur, but murmuring obey. 'Tis strange to notice how a simple thing, Pregnant with force potential, yet…

Arise, for the day is passing— While you lie dreaming on, Your brothers are eased in armor, And forth to the fight are gone; Your place in the ranks awaits you— Each man has a part to play; The past and the future are nothing In the face of…

I miss thee, dear daughter—thy image is still Most deeply impressed on my heart; A remembrance of Lee and his murderous will, From my worn mind can never depart. Thou wert torn from my side when I treasured thee most, When my reason could…

The world is half-darkened with the croakers, Whose burdens are weighing them down; They croak of their stars and ill-usage. And grope in the ditch for a crown. Why talk to the wind of thy fortune, Or clutch at distinction and gold? If thou…

Who lags from dread of daily toil And his appointed task would shirk, Commits a folly and a crime; A soulless slave, A paltry knave, A clog upon the wheels of time. With work to do, and stores of health, The man's unworthy to be free Who will…

Be gentle, there are hours when he By anxious care is tossed, And shadows deep lie on his brow, By business trials crossed. Be gentle, 'tis for you he toils, And thinks, and strives to gain Home comforts and home happiness; Don't let him…

Thou art gone, brave man, yet hope has loaned Her rays to light the gloom, And dispel the tears that sorrow shed Upon the hero's tomb. Thy end was as the setting sun, Whose tints forbid regret, A rainbow mid the clouds, to show That God…
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