Browse Items (213 total)

The tent-lights glimmer on the land,
The ship-lights on the sea;
The night-wind smooths with drifting sand
Our track on lone Tybee.

At last our grating keels outslide,
Our good boats forward swing;
And while we ride the…

In compliance with the request of several persons, we reprint the admirable poem by Whittier, which the Hutchinson's were not allowed to sing on the other side of the Potomac, Gen. Kearney and Gen. Franklin having solemnly declared it to be…

They say these stars do shine more bright Than those of the Northern zone, And these skies do glow with a warmer light Than freedom's land doth own. They tell me that where the bondmen flee My brothers starve and die; But oh! I would go where…

Dr. John Pierpont, at the Boston Anti-Slavery Fair, in 1842, being asked for his autograph, hastily dashed off the following:Our tobacco they plant, andour cotton they pick And our rice they can harvest and thrash; They feed us in health and they…

Dr. John Pierpont, at the Boston Anti-Slavery Fair, in 1842, being asked for his autograph, hastily dashed off the following:Onemouth andoneback to two hands is the law That the hand of his Maker has stamped upon man; But Slavery lays on God's…

Think gently of the erring— Ye know not of the power With which the dark temptation came In some unguarded hour. Ye may not know how earnestly They struggled, or how well, Until the hour of weaknes came, And sadly thus they fell. Think gently…

Ho! thou traveller on life's highway, Moving carelessly along— Pausing not to watch the shadows Lowering o'er the mighty throng! Stand aside, and mark how feebly Some are struggling in the fight. Turning on thee wistful glances— Begging thee…

Behold against the western skyThe sacred banner waves on high;That banner which our race has borneA thousand years triumphant on,Gleaming through England's glorious days,Lightning our father's darkest ways,The beacon bright on Plymouth's night,The…

The night was made for cooling shade, For silence, and for sleep; And when I was a child, I laid My hands upon my breast and prayed, And sank to slumbers deep. Child-like as then I lie to-night, And watch my lonely cabin light. Each movement of…

Once in life's young, cheerful day, Two youthful hearts were joined together— One in sorrow, one in play, So truly did they love each other. Thus to maidenhood they grew: Affection's chain so closely bound them That 'twas useless, all well…
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