Browse Items (752 total)

SCENE. School Room, school in session.Dramatie Personae:Teacher. A bachelor rising thirty.Pupil. A beautiful girl of sixteen I see that curling and high arched brown, "Scold thee?" aye that I will, Pouting I see thee still, Thou Jade! I know that…

Light as the foam on the crest of the billow, Hurrying over the street, Spins a fair creature as lithe as the willow, So dainty and neat. Many an eye the fair vision will follow, Heads from the watching will reel, As she floats on her way with…

No children wept o'er thee; No wife mourned thy doom, But strangers have laid thee Within the dark tomb Oh! thine was the sorrow That knoweth no care, That clouds the bright morrow Too dark to endure. Oh! none soothed thy pillow; No ear…

Sit I at the open window, On this dewy Summer morn, Where the honeysuckle blossoms Mid a wealth of green are born; Sit I, gazing outward, outward Through the lazy, hazy air, Breathing in the fragrant incense To my senses wafted there. There…

The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. Jeremiah viii. 20. -----Praise to the God of harvest! praise!Who sent the blessed sunshine days,The early and the latter rain,The flower, the fruit, the waving grain.The vintage songs…

Searcher of gold, whose days and nights All waste away in anxious care, Estranged from all of life's delights, Unlearned in all that is most fair - Who sailest not with easy glide, But delvest in the depths of tide, And strugglest in the foam…

Matt. xxv. 35 - 40. A poor, wayfaring man of grief Hath often crossed me on my way, Who sued so humbly for relief, That I could never answer "Nay." I had not power to ask his name, Whither he went, or whence he came; Yet there was something in…

Come! rouse ye, brothers, rouse! a peal now breaksFrom lowest island to our gallant lakes:'Tis summoning you, who long in bonds have lain,To stand up manful on the battle plain, -Each as a warrior, with his armor bright,Prepared to battle in a…

Hail, the enrapturing Jubilee! Tis fifty years today, Since this great nation was made free From despotism's sway. While music, bells and cannons peal, To hail the festive day, The thoughts within my bosom steal, Of helpless - Africa! Now.…

Have they trod down the mighty? - By sea and by shore, Will our name be a watchword and terror no more? Has the eagle been hurl'd from his throat in the air? Will the fox find a home in the grim lion's lair? Have they trod down the mighty? The…
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