Browse Items (752 total)

Bowing adorers of the gale, Ye cowslips delicately pale, Upraise your loaded stems; Unfold your cups in splendor, speak! Who decked you with that ruddy streak, And gilt your golden gems? Violets, sweet tenants of the shade, In purple's richest…

There is one mind, one omnipresent mind,Omnific. His most holy name is Love.Truth of sublime import! with the whichWho feeds and saturates his constant soul,He from his small particular orbit fliesWith bless'd outstarting! From Himself he…

GEN. xiv. 3. The sons of Jacob, sinful men, Stood before Egypt's lord; And guilt and fear were working here, Keen as a two edged sword, Within their bosoms whilst they thought Of what their bloody hands had wrought. They thought of Joseph.…

I. Of all my race there breathes not one To comfort or deplore me; Pain wakes a pulse in every bone, And death is closing o'er me. Still doth his lifter stroke delay, Protracted tortures dooming, I feel, ere life has pass'd away, His very…

Haste thee, haste thee, hour divine,Joys extatic - bliss is thine,And raptures from the throne above -Sweeter those, than life to me,When the world and cares do flee;And Jesus speaks, in tones of love,O, time of prayer! O, hour divine! -Extatic joys…

Stand firm, John Brown, till your fate is o'er, For the world, with an anxious eye, Looks on as it seldom loked before, As the hour of your doom draws night. Stand firm, John Brown! Dread not the blow that a coward deals, And fear not the…

[At a recent slave sale, in one of the Southern states, the auctioneer, in a drunken humor, guaranteed the Christianity of the negro upon the block, and offered to sell him by the pound.] He can mow and how, and shovel and dig, And team, and lower,…

Brothers! the day declines, Above the glacier brightens, And red through Hunkwyl pines The vesper halo lightens; From hamlet, rock, and chalet, Your grateful songs be poured, Till mountain, lake, and valley, Re-echo - Praise the Lord. The sun…

I knew a widow, very poor, Who four small children had; The oldest was but six years old - A gentle modest lad. And very hard that widow toiled, To feed her children four: And honest pride the woman felt, Though she was very poor. To labor,…

Rear on high the scaffold-altar! all the world will turn to see.How a man has dared to suffer that his brothers may be free!Rear it on some hill-side looking north and south and east and westWhere the wind from every quarter fresh may blow upon his…
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