Browse Items (752 total)

Be still, thou heart of mine! Why dost thou throb against thy will! Why watch the every move of him Who loves thee not, whom thou lov'st still? Why dost thou start in fear? Why let it cause one mite of pain? Why keep the faded flower, his…

"Whatsoever thy hands find to do, do with thy might, for there is no work nor device in the grave wither thou goest."Exceeding far the swiftest steed,Unseen and silent, with them speed,And fast as stars fleet through the sky,The wings of time are…

The following touching and inimitable beautiful lines have been erroneously attributed to John Milton. The New YorkHistorical Magazinefrom which we copy them, accompanies them with the following explanatory remarks as to their origin:"The simple fact…

AIR - "Good morrow to your night-cap." Behave yoursel' before folk, Behave yoursel' before folk, And dinna be sae rude to me, As kiss me sae before folk.It wadna gi'e me meikle pain,  Gin we were scen and heard by name, To tak' a kiss, or grant you…

Life is a race where some succeed While the others are beginning; 'Tis luck at times, at others speed, That gives an early winning. But if you chance to fall behind, Ne'er slacken your endeavor, But keep this wholsome truth in mind, 'Tis…

A voice amid the desert! Not of him, Who in rough garments clad, and locust-fed,Cried to the sinful multitude, and claimedFruits of repentance, with the lifted scourgeOf terror and reproof. A milder guide,With gentler tones, doth teach the…

John Brown of Osawatomie Spake on his dying day: "I will not have to shrive my soul A priest in slavery's pay; But let some poor slave mother, Whom I have striven to free, With her children, from the gallows-stair Put up a prayer for me! John…

Make me a grave where'ere you will,In a lowly plain, or a lofty hill; Make it among earth's humblest graves,But not in a land where men are slaves.I could not rest if around my graveI heard the steps of a trembling slave;His shadow above my silent…

One day, 'twas long ago, I met a maiden, far to see, A maiden fair and dear to me; But that was long ago. She was so fair, I know; How fair she was I cannot say, But fairer than a morn of May: But that was long ago. And we did vow, I…

a late princess.jpg
Unthinking, idle, wild, and young,
I laugh'd and danc'd, and talk'd and sung,
And, proud of health, of freedom vain,
Dreampt not of sorrow, care, or pain;
Concluding in those hours of glee,
That all the world was made for me.

But, when the…
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