Browse Items (752 total)

WHAT! live an old maid! the idea is distressing,Be banish'd for ever the thought - 'tis unkind;Remember great Natur's design, you're transgressing,By leaving the pleasures of marriage behind.WHY live an old maid? - have Love's arrows lost powerTo…

Nature's great debt is paid - her spirit's fled,Thy playful Mary's numbered with the dead:Why starts that tear? why, sister, why repine?Why murmur at thy Master's will divine?"She sip'd but lightly of life's bitter cup,Refused to drink the unsavory…

Alas! lovely hawthorn, how lately I gazedOn thy flourishing branches, all covered with bloom,So perfect their beauty, I paused while I praised,And inhaled from the gale their delicious perfume.Like the blush on a cloud, in the sun's parting beam,When…

Child of the everlasting God! Heir of a kingly throne! Rough was the path thy Saviour trod, And rough must be thine own, Yet hath the "Hope of Israel" said, "Where'er that path may lead, I thy salvation and thy head, Will help thee in thy…

THOU wast the youngling of our flock - our little petted lamb,Whose presence ever shed around a holy, happy calm,When grieved, and worn, and sick at heart with worldly cares and men,Thine infant gladness freshen'd up, our drooping souls again.And…

God said, "Let there be light!" Grim darkness felt his might, And fled away: Then startled seas, and mountains cold Shone forth all bright in blue and gold, And cried, "Tis day! tis day!" "Hail, holy light!" exclaim'd The thunderous crowd that…

Remember Me Yes, dear one, to the envied train Of those around, thy moments pay; But wilt thou never kindly deign To think of him that's far away? Thy form - thine eye - thine angel smile, For weary years I may not see; But wilt thou not, sometimes…

Give Jehovah, give ye to him Strength and glory, sons of light! Give the Lord the glory due him, Give him majesty and might. Bow before him! Lo! he comes in splendor bright. Hark! the God of glory thunders! 'Tis Jehovah's voice on…

SongI walked alone thro' the forest,The noon-day sun was shining,And zephyrs softly whisperedTo wild flowers there reclining;The birds sang joyous music,The wood rang with their lay.And my heart caught their rapture,And soared in bliss away.A cloud…

The following touching and inimitable beautiful lines have been erroneously attributed to John Milton. The New YorkHistorical Magazinefrom which we copy them, accompanies them with the following explanatory remarks as to their origin:"The simple fact…
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