Browse Items (752 total)

Though swiftly Time, with rapid wings, Has borne us from old scenes we knew, Yet memory oft the picture brings In glowing colors back to view; Thus early friends remember when They first as schoolboys met in play, And yet, though years have…

Ding! dong! there is no hell! no hell! Said the Universalist bell. Look up to heaven this holy day,Attend this church, and learn the way.There are no fires or fiends to blightThe hope within the heart we light.Ding! dong! there is no hell! no…

[The "Evening Post" publishes the following exquisite little poem, with a paragraph stating that it was received with a note, not from its author, to the effect that "it was written as a dirge for a friend—a young, gifted, and highly cultivated…

Wide over the tremulous sea The moon spread her mantle of light, And the gale, gently dying away, Breathed soft on the bosom of night. By the sea-side a panting slave stood, And poured forth his pitiful tale; His tears were unseen in the…

The camp has had its day of song; The sword, the bayonet, the plume, Have crowded out of song too long The plow, the anvil, and the loom Oh! not upon our tented fields Are freedom's heroes bred alone; The training of the workshop yields More…

Do something for each other— Though small the help may be; There's comfort oft in little things, Far more than others see! It takes the sorrow from the eye, It leaves the world less bare, If but a friendly hand come nigh When friendly hands…

[At a recent slave sale, in one of the Southern states, the auctioneer, in a drunken humor, guaranteed the Christianity of the negro upon the block, and offered to sell him by the pound.] He can mow and how, and shovel and dig, And team, and lower,…

Hush! let the baby sleep! Mark her hand so white and slender,Note her red lip, full and tender,And her breathing, like the motionWhich the waves of calmest ocean In their peaceful throbbing keep. Hush! let the baby rest! Who would wake from…

Under the wave!Keel that has girt its furrow round the world,Canvas to every ocean breeze unfurled,Cordage that rang like harp-strings to the blast,Lithe spars that bent and struggled as it past,Like wrestler's braveInto the surging gulf of waters…

Slavery, O Slavery! I cannot conceiveWhy judges and magistrates do not relieveMy down-trodden people from under thy hand,Restore them their freedom, and give them their land.The loud voice of reason incessantly cries,Ye lovers of Mammon, when will ye…
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