Browse Items (752 total)

A wild, wild chase it is that Love gives man,But where's the man who would not take the run? --- It's something more to give them 'tis to take,At least most men I've met complain 'tis so. --- I love the world because 'tis good I should,And yet I…


Although we are so near, we are so far, As if the seat of [?] did intervene; I cannot share the glories of thy star, I cannot dwell where thou [?] queen! So I the slender thread of life pursue, True as thou art to me, shall I be true.

Up! pilgrims and rover, Redouble thy haste! Nor rest thee till over Life's wearisome waste. Ere the wild forest ranger Thy footsteps betray, To trouble and danger - Oh, drink and away! Here lurks the dark savage By night and by day, To rob…

Get up, little sister; the morning is bright,And the birds are all singing to welcome the light;The buds are all opening - the dew's on the flower;If you shake but a branch, see there falls quite a shower.By the side of their mothers, look, under the…

He is risen! He is risen!Let it echo far and near,Tell it out to every nation,All can in His glory share.Earth is robed in spotless beauty,Ready to receive the King,In the triumph of His kingdom,Heaven and earth His praises sing.Hark! the sound of…


I know not why, but it is true - it may, In some way, be because he was a child Of the fierce sun 'neath which I wept and smiled - I love the dark browed Poe. His too short day Was lived in dreams, in dreams that him beguiled. When not along his…

Spring hath bless'd us with its flowersBlooming on the woodland sod;Birds have caroll'd o'er our bowersMusic wheresoe'er we've trod.Gone! they've fled, and summer smilingCame with sylphid step o'er earth,All our fancied ills beguiling,Wings to care…

There is a freshness in the air, A brightness in the sky, As if a new-born sun was there, Just seraph-throned on high; And birds, and flowers, and mountain streams, Rejoicing in his infant beams, Are glad as if the Winter's breath Had never blown…
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