Browse Items (752 total)

I AM weary of my life, I am tired of the earth,Of its dark sorrows and boisterous mirth,Of its changeful scenes, its uncertain joys,Its wo that frowns, and its pleasure that cloys,Of its dreams that delude the youthful breast:- Would that I could…

I have gone east, I have gone west, ..To seek for what I cannot find --- A heart at peace with its own thoughts, A quiet and contented mind. I have sought high, I have sought low, Alike my search has been in vain; The same lip mixed the smile…

His eye, which once with sparkling lustre shone,Was hollow, glazed and dim. The ruddy glowOf health had left his cheek, and paleness death-like.Had unsurp'd its place. His manly open brow,Impress'd with early grief's said signet, wore a…

Sweet moments live though they be dead; And love-words glow that we have said; The pulse thrills now, as in the hour When love first dwelt in its own bower And bowed a slave to its mad power! So what care I For th' inky sky? The past is mine, -…

Another's gone; and who comes next, Of all the sons of Pride? And is humanity perplex'd, "Because this one hath died?" The sons of men did raise their voice, And cry'd out in despair - "We will not come - we will not come, Whilst thou art waiting…

Once in life's young, cheerful day, Two youthful hearts were joined together— One in sorrow, one in play, So truly did they love each other. Thus to maidenhood they grew: Affection's chain so closely bound them That 'twas useless, all well…

My sorrow is no dream—the earth has none Whose bosom-chords are quivering for me; If the unending universe bears one, My mother—oh! my mother!—it is thee. And since the dark grave veiled thee from my sight, I have endured the loneliness of…

ALAS! I am an Orphan Boy, With nought on earth to cheer my heart; No father's love, no mother's joy, No kin nor kind to take my part. My lodging is the cold, cold ground, I eat the bread of charity; And when the kiss of loves goes round, There…

The old year's dead! The new year's born! The night has passed! Has come the morn! Another link in life's long chain Is rounded out in human pain! "Ring out the old! Ring in the new! "Ring out the false! Ring in the true!" 'Tis easier said by far…

You are old, father William, the young man cried, The few locks which are left you are gray; You are hale, father William, a hearty old man, Now tell me the reason, I pray. In the days of my youth, father William replied, I remembered that youth…
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