Browse Items (752 total)

I knew a widow, very poor, Who four small children had; The oldest was but six years old - A gentle modest lad. And very hard that widow toiled, To feed her children four: And honest pride the woman felt, Though she was very poor. To labor,…

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How beautiful it stands Behind its elm-tree screen, With pure and Attic cornice crowned, All graceful and serene. Most sweet, yet sad, it is, Upon you scene to gaze, And list its inborn melody, The voice of other days. For there, as many a…

Farewell to thee, sweet summer, Thou art almost past away, And wither'd are the roses, So lately fresh and gay; Of if in sunny bowers Some few may yet be found, They too soon will be faded, And scattered o'er the ground. Farewell to thee,…

Fear not, love, though all forsake thee, Though a scornful world may frown, I will never cease to love thee, I will ne'er thy name disown. In thy happier days, remember, All my heart was pldged to thee; Now, when fate conspires to crush…


"Is this the time to be gloomy and sad?"BRYANT.This is the time to be lightsome and gladFor earth is cloth'd in her richest green,And the grove with foilage fresh is clad,And the pure show'rs down his brightest sheen.Away with our gloom and…

"Star of descending night, fair is thy light in theWest! Thou liftest thy unshorn head from thy cloud; thy steps are stately on thy hill. What dost thou behold in the plain? The stormy winds are laid. The murmur of the torrent comes from afar.…

We stand here together, with courage and will, Resolved the right cause to maintain; With hearts true and constant, whatever may come, We firm as the rocks will remain. For the fight! for the right! here unflinching we stand; I pledge you the…

Where flows the fountain silently, It blooms a lovely flower, Blue as the beauty of the sky, And speaks like kind fidelity, Through fortune's sun and shower - "Forget me not." 'Tis like thy starry eyes, more bright Than evening's proudest star, Like…
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