Browse Items (752 total)

Types of eternal rest - fair buds of bliss,In heavenly flowers unfolding week by week -The next world's gladness, imaged forth in this -Days of whose worth the Christian's heart canspeak!Eternity of time - the steps by whichWe climb to future ages -…

They are all gone into a world of light,And I alone sit lingering here;Their very memory is fair and bright,And my sad thoughts doth clear.It glows and glitters in my cloudy breath,Like stars upon some gloomy grove;Or those faint beams in which the…

I like that ancient Saxon phrase, which calls The burial-ground, "God's Acre!" It is just; It consecrates each grave within its walls, And breathes a benison o'er the sleeping dust. "God's-Acre!" Yes; that blessed name imparts Comfort to those,…

[The words of this song were written in 1843, by Henry Ware Jr.; the tune, familiar to many, is said to have been first played on the entrance of the Allies into Paris.] Oppression shall not always reign, There comes a brighter day, When Freedom,…

I miss thee, dear daughter—thy image is still Most deeply impressed on my heart; A remembrance of Lee and his murderous will, From my worn mind can never depart. Thou wert torn from my side when I treasured thee most, When my reason could…

"It is good for us to be here: if thou wilt let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias." Matt. xvii. 4. Methinks it is good to be here; If thou wilt let us build - but for whom? Nor Elias nor Moses…

Days of my youth! ye have glided away; Hairs of my youth! ye are frosted and gray; Eyes of my youth! your keen sight is no more; Cheeks of my youth! ye are furrow'd all o'er; Strength of my youth! all your vigour is gone; Thoughts of my youth! your…

Around thee shall the prairie roll its green And flowery billows far off in the sun, And a deep murmur rise from that wide scene, The solemn and low-chanted hymn of one Whose spirit, like the sunshine beaming bright, Poured for the mellow light…

Like to the falling of a star;Or as the flights of eagles are;Or like the fresh Spring's gaudy hue;Or silver drops of morning dew;Or like the wind that chafes the flood;Or bubbles which on water stood;Even such is man, whose borrowed lightIs straight…

Now, the nuptial knot is tied,Su'da attends the lovely bride;Crown her, ye celestial powers,Flora, strew her path with flowers.Ye nine, your golden harps employ;To melting strains of nuptial joy;Oh! Cupid prove the gentle guide!To this new, this…
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