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Ah! let not aught amiss within disposeA noble mind to practice on herself,And tempt opinion to support the wrongsOf passion: whatsoe'er be felt or feared,From higher judgment-seats make no appealTo lower: can you question that the soulInherits an…

The frost performs its secret ministryUnhelped by any wind. The owlet's cryCome loud - and hark, again! loud as before -The inmates of my cottage all at rest,Have left me to that solitude which suitsAbstruser musings: save that at my sideMy cradled…

Dear as thou wast, and justly dear, We will not weep for thee; One thought shall check the starting tear, It is - that thou art free. And thus shall Faith's consoling power The tears of love restrain; Oh! who that saw thee here on hour Could…

God is love - His mercy brightens All the path in which we rove; Bliss He makes, and wo He lightens - God is Wisdom - God is Love. Change and chance are busy ever, May decays, and ages move; But His mercy waneth never - God is Wisdom - God is…

In vain the troubled spirit hears the voiceOf justice, holiness, and power divine:Call forth the joyous sound upon the ear,A winter sun-beam on an icy heart.There needs some better word, some summer beamTo touch the soul and melt it into peace.But…

Ah! dark skinned tribes, though black we be,God, our creator, made us free;To all He life and being gave,But never, never made a slave.His works, all wondrous to behold,Proclaim to us a power untold;He made the sea and formed the wave,But never,…

The following is the new version of the National Anthem: God save Victoria! Long live Victoria! God save the Queen! May she triumphantly Reign o'er nation free, Their boundless joy to be - God save the Queen! O Lord, our God, arise, Scatter her…

"When thy judgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness."—Bible.Judgement slumbered—God in mercy Stayed his strong avenging hand Sent them priests, and sent them prophets— But they would not…

"Suffer little children to cmoe to unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."They are going—only going— Jesus called them long ago; All the wintry time they're passing Softly as the falling snow. When the violets in the…

Finished now the weary throbbing, Of a bosom calmed to rest; Laid aside the heavy sorrows, That for years upon it prest. All the thirst for pure affection, All the hunger of the heart; All the vain and tearful cryings, All forever now…
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