Browse Items (752 total)

Whose is you sable bier Why move the throng so slow? Why doth that lonely mother's tear In sudden anguish flow? Why is that sleeper laid To rest in manhood's pride? How gain'd his check such pallid shade? I spake, - but none replied. The hoarse wave…

I bid thee to my mystic feast, Each one thou lovest is gathered there;Yet put thou on a mourning robe,And bind the cypress in thy hair. The hail is vast, and cold, and drear;The board with faded flowers is spread,Shadows of beauty flit around,But…

The frost performs its secret ministryUnhelped by any wind. The owlet's cryCome loud - and hark, again! loud as before -The inmates of my cottage all at rest,Have left me to that solitude which suitsAbstruser musings: save that at my sideMy cradled…

SLY BELZEHUB took all occasionsTo try Job's constancy and patience;He took his honor, took his health;He took his children, took his wealth;His servants, horses, oxen, cows; -But cunning SATAN did not take his Spouse.But Heaven, that brings out good…

THERE is a sigh - that, half supprest, Seems scarce to heave the bosom fair; It rises from the spotless breast, The first faint dawn of tender care. There is a sigh - so soft, so sweet, It breathes not from the lip of woe; 'Tis heard where…

Thy smiles, thy talk, thy aimless plays,So beautiful approve thee,So winning, light, are all thy ways,I cannot choose, but love thee:Thy balmy breath upon my browIs like the summer air,As o'er my cheek thou leanest now,To plant a soft kiss there.Thy…



The spring of feeling gushes there, In mystic light from virtue's rays, Is like the pure undying air That o'er the fact of nature plays; No selfish view, or sordid tie, Around the MOTHER'S heart will cling, Nor in the hidden bed will lie A…

"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man, and the Majesty of Heaven designed to hear the prayer of the slave for mercy." Ah! yes, in heaven his prayer is heard - Presented by the Son of God - The slave's petition there, No…
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