Browse Items (752 total)

Linger not long! Home is not home without thee, Its dearest token only make me mourn: Oh! let its memory, like a chain about thee, Gently compel and hasten thy return. Linger not long! Linger not long! Though crowds should woo thy…

They sat and combed their beautiful hair, Their long bright tresses, one by one, As they laughed and talked in the chamber there, After the revel was done. Idly they talked of waltz and quadrille, Idly they laughed, like other girls, Who over…

"This page, if thou wilt be a pater (parent-father) that reads it, thou wilt apardone me; if nocht, suspend thy censure till thou be a father, as said the grave Lacemaemonian Agesilaus." -Autobiography of James Melville. One time—my soul was pierced…

What though the homespun suit he wears— Best suit to the sons of toil— What though no coarser food he fares, And tends the loom, or tills the soil; What though no gold-leaf gilds the tongue, Devoted to congenial chat— If Right prevails, and not…

Light as the foam on the crest of the billow, Hurrying over the street, Spins a fair creature as lithe as the willow, So dainty and neat. Many an eye the fair vision will follow, Heads from the watching will reel, As she floats on her way with…

I love the wild and wooly West,
Where winds cavort so free;
The effete East has now, at least,
No charms at all for me.
I love the lands that stretch away,
Toward the setting sun;
Where tender feet on bosses fleet,
Are followed with a gun.

The old year's dead! The new year's born! The night has passed! Has come the morn! Another link in life's long chain Is rounded out in human pain! "Ring out the old! Ring in the new! "Ring out the false! Ring in the true!" 'Tis easier said by far…

Although we are so near, we are so far, As if the seat of [?] did intervene; I cannot share the glories of thy star, I cannot dwell where thou [?] queen! So I the slender thread of life pursue, True as thou art to me, shall I be true.

Thou, thou wert ever only dear In joy or sorrow, peace or danger! Then start not, love! - 'tis but a tear - Then start not at a trembling stranger! I weep not for the wealth we had, Or fashion's idle splendor fleeted; Oh! no - 'tis that thou…

Thou visitest the earth,And waterest it;Thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God,Which is full of water.Thou preparest them corn,When thou hast so provided for it.Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly;Thou settlest the furrows…
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