Browse Items (752 total)

ONWARD! our noble champion! Though clouds above thee lower, Though friend and foe alike combine - Thou wilt not dread their power. Onward! for faint hearts look to thee For courage 'mid the storm' And many a fervent prayer goes up To shield…

Where flows the fountain silently, It blooms a lovely flower, Blue as the beauty of the sky, And speaks like kind fidelity, Through fortune's sun and shower - "Forget me not." 'Tis like thy starry eyes, more bright Than evening's proudest star, Like…

O muse, attune my lyre sweet, The moments to beguile; Oh, endite a sonnet meet, To BEAUTY'S placid smile. Care may prey upon the heart, And make it bleed awhile, But, how transient is the smart, When BEAUTY beams a smile. Doom'd in distant climes to…

Oh! beauty, where now is that grace, Of which, thou so vainly did'st boast; Where now is that beautiful face, That the beaux delighted to toast? Where now is that form you admired, And anxiously sought to adorn; The bosom that cheerfulness fired; Oh!…

How beautiful, in morning's hour, The blade of emerald green, Whereupon the drops of pearly dew In silver radiance gleam! It seems as if it shadowed forth The Christian's holy love: For though of earth, it ever looks Unto the sky above. But…

Ho, every one that thirsteth: See ye where the waters flow, Gleaming, gleaming, O how brightly! In the blessed sunshine's glow? Not a ripple swells their surface, Not a stain dark earth hath given, Not an image meets their pureness, Save the…

Why grieve ye that the Christian dies, When Heaven from earth hath called its own - And the blest spirit upward flies To bow before the Father's throne? Or deem ye that 'tis grief to be Amid the Seraphim above, Robed in their immortality, And…

I passed, one autumn morn, a wanderer in the wood,His large sade eyes peered on the ground, his feet the dead leaves strewedAnd the hazy Indian summer fell on the woodland drear,And not unlike the wanderer's heart, the world was sad and sear;But…

When on a fragrant scandal tree The woodman's axe descends, And she, who bloomed so beauteously, Beneath the weapon bends. E'en on the edge that wrought her death,Dying she breathes her sweetest breath,As if to token in her fallPeace to her…

Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness,Leave the gloomy haunts of sadness,Come into the daylight's splendor,There with joy thy praises renderUnto Him whose boundless graceGrants thee at His feet a place;He whom all the heavens obey,Deigns to dwell in…
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