Browse Items (752 total)

If I had thought thou could'st have died, I might not weep for thee! But I forget, when by thy side, That thou could'st mortal be. It never through my mind had pass'd, The time would e'er be o'er, And I on thee should look my last, And thou…

Dedicated to the Gentlemen who takes so kind and interest in his behalf.Joy kindles by thy vital gale,And breathes true philanthropy;Thus with delight I hailThe dawn of Liberty.The song of Gratitude I oweTo thee from whom these pleasures rise,And…

Thou Bounteous Giver of all good, From Thy unfailing hand, We take with humble, grateful hearts, The blessings of the land. Thou dost supply our every want, Know'st every creature's need, And for the good of man, dost bless The sprinkling of…

Land of heroes and of sages,
Waking from thy sleep of ages,
Rouse thee! 'tis no hour for slumber,
Foes, as ocean's sands in number,
Gird thee. 'Tis not now the Asian
Gives thy fields to desolation;
'Tis not now the archer Mede,
Rushing as…

Mount, soldier, mount, the gallant steed, --     Seek, seek, the ranks of war: 'Tis better there in death to bleed,     Than drag a tyrant's ear. Strike! strike! nor think the blow unseen That frees the limbs where chains have been. Oh no! each dying…

What though the homespun suit he wears— Best suit to the sons of toil— What though no coarser food he fares, And tends the loom, or tills the soil; What though no gold-leaf gilds the tongue, Devoted to congenial chat— If Right prevails, and not…

In Judah's hall the sharp is hushed, Her voice is but the voice of pain; The heathen heel her helm has crushed, Her spirit wears the heathen chain. From the dark prison-house she cried, `How long, O Lord! thy sword has slept! O quell the oppressor in…

"Tribe of the wandering foot and weary breast, When shalt thou flee away and be at rest?" BYRON. ---Thou art fallen, O Israel! thou art scattered abroad,From the home of thy sires, by the hand of thy God;Once the honor'd the cherish'd the chosen…


Here we three have met again,After years of hope and pain;Since our parting, time has laidMany a three in death's dark shade,Many a widow's heart has sighed.Since the dream that boyhood gave,We have toiled on life's wide wave,Wearily our oars we've…
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