Browse Items (752 total)

How beautiful, in morning's hour, The blade of emerald green, Whereupon the drops of pearly dew In silver radiance gleam! It seems as if it shadowed forth The Christian's holy love: For though of earth, it ever looks Unto the sky above. But…

The gondola glides,Like a spirit of night,O'er the slumbering tides,In the calm moonlight: -The star of the northShews her golden eye,But a brighter looks forthFrom you lattice on high!Her taper is out,And the silver beamFloats the maiden about,-…

Hail to the ever cheeringFirst,When slavery's iron shackles burst;Conduct, and notcolormustProve the worth of human dust.Thousandshail this hallowed day,Over the warm waves, far away,Where the tropic mountains rise,And summer never leaves the…

Scatter the germs of the beautiful, By the wayside let them fall, That the rose may spring by the cottage, And the vine by the garden wall; Cover the rough and the rude ofearth With a veil of leaves and flowers, And mark with the opening bud…

Restore the Fugitive! Ay, whenThe Son of Gods descends again And bids me never more to do As I would fain be done unto. Restore the Fugitive! I willWhen God's own voice in man is still, And wrong is right by God's decree, And light and air no…

From the earth thy spirit hath flow, Far beyond the etherial blue; True the clods of the vale o'er thy body we cast, But thy spirit the grave did eschew. To the city of God it hath flown, Where sin and disease never come, Where sighing and…

THY cage is open'd bird - too well I love thee To bar the sunny things of earth from thee: A whole broad heaven of blue lies calm above thee, The green wood waves beneath and thou art free. These slender wires shall prison thee no more - Up,…

New York, April 3, 1837. I. Come listen to my story, Tho' often told before, Of men who deem it glory To pass thro' travail sore; Of men who do for conscience' sake, There name and wealth forego, - Like those who sought their freedom…

There is a mystic thread of life, So dearly wreath's with mine alone, That destiny's relentless knife At once must sever both or none. There is a form on which these eyes Have often gazed with fond delight; By day that form their joy supplies, And…
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