Browse Items (752 total)

At times I seemed t'approach the veil, That slightly parts this life from scenes of air; And, through the wavy folds, methinks I hear The rustle of the robes that angels wear! At times, across this coarser ear of earth There comes the rush of…

Linger not long! Home is not home without thee, Its dearest token only make me mourn: Oh! let its memory, like a chain about thee, Gently compel and hasten thy return. Linger not long! Linger not long! Though crowds should woo thy…

They sat and combed their beautiful hair, Their long bright tresses, one by one, As they laughed and talked in the chamber there, After the revel was done. Idly they talked of waltz and quadrille, Idly they laughed, like other girls, Who over…

"This page, if thou wilt be a pater (parent-father) that reads it, thou wilt apardone me; if nocht, suspend thy censure till thou be a father, as said the grave Lacemaemonian Agesilaus." -Autobiography of James Melville. One time—my soul was pierced…

Onward, onward, sons of freedom, In the great and glorious strife You've a high and holy mission On the battle field of life. See oppression's feet of iron Grind a brother to the ground, And from bleeding heart and bosm, Gapeth many a fearful…

What though the homespun suit he wears— Best suit to the sons of toil— What though no coarser food he fares, And tends the loom, or tills the soil; What though no gold-leaf gilds the tongue, Devoted to congenial chat— If Right prevails, and not…

Of that far distant city,A theme has oft been told,By poets and by sages,Who lived in days of old.That theme a lovely story,Of which we never tire,Has reached us through the ages,And still our hearts inspire.That story - must I tell it?Ah, no! 'tis…

What are the joys that Christmas brings? Are they the gifts of precious things From loved ones near? Then, should all happiness be flown And poverty and hate unknown, In forms so drear! What joys dost thou, dear Christmas, bring? What makes our…

Magnificent! Magnificent, Thou Queen
Of cities! My every thought is fond and true
In loving memories of thee! And through
The mists of coming years, through trembling sheen
Of mystic shade dream-bound where morn is seen
To lift the veil of Night…

When the twilight shadows deepen, Bringing evening to its close, Calm and peaceful are the moments, Verging on to night's repose. When the twilight shadows bring us Gentle memories of the past, Then the mist of time is lifted, With no shadow…
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