Browse Items (752 total)

There is a peaceful home above, Where all who bear below The cross of Christ, is faith and love, As equal heirs may go. There is a fount, whose waters gush With life beyond the grave, Whereof the master will not blush To drink beside the…

We gather them in, the bright green leaves, With our scythes and rakes to-day, And the mow grows big, as the pitcher heaves His lift in the swelt'ring hay. Oh, ho! a-field! for the mower's sythe Has a ring as of destiny, Sweeping the earth of…

TO S.P.G. Esq. Lo! for this dark terrestrial ball Forsakes his azure-paved hall A prince of heav'nly birth! Divine Humanity, behold, What wonders rise, what charms unfold At his descent to earth! The bosoms of the great and good With wonder and…

Attend my lays, ye ever honour'd mine,Assist my labours, and my strains refine,In smoothest numbers pour the notes along,For bright Aurora now demands my song.Aurora, hail, and all the thousands dies,Which deck thy progress through the vaulted…

I am a child of Southern lands: Dark blood flows through my veins; My heart is white as any man's, And love as deep there reigns. And as my life is good or bad, So my reward shall be; And though I am a colored lad I'll rank the same as he Who…

GEN. xiv. 3. The sons of Jacob, sinful men, Stood before Egypt's lord; And guilt and fear were working here, Keen as a two edged sword, Within their bosoms whilst they thought Of what their bloody hands had wrought. They thought of Joseph.…

I dreamed of you the other nightA little dream, and yet so bright,It made me happy all the day,Thinking how kindly was the wayYou took my hand and pressed it oftUpon your lips so fresh and soft:Then smoothing from my face the hairThat is so often…

I love it—I love it—the laugh of a child,Now rippling and gentle, now merry and wild,Ringing out on the air with its innocent gush,Like the thrill of a bird at the twilight's soft hush;Floating off on the breeze like the tones of a bell,Or the music…

I love the wild and wooly West,
Where winds cavort so free;
The effete East has now, at least,
No charms at all for me.
I love the lands that stretch away,
Toward the setting sun;
Where tender feet on bosses fleet,
Are followed with a gun.

The heart is swept—the fire is bright, The kettle sings for tea; The cloth is spread, the lamp is light, The muffins smoke in napkins white, And now I wait for thee. Come home, love, come; thy task is done; The clock ticks listeningly; The…
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