Browse Items (752 total)

There's not a tint that paints the rose, Or decks the lilly fair, Or streaks the humblest flow'r that grows, But heaven has placed it there. At early dawn ther's not a gale, Across the landscape driven, And not a breeze that sweeps the…

JESUS, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow thee; Naked, poor, despis'd, forsaken, Thou, from hence, my all shalt be. Perish every fond ambition, All I've hoped, or sought, or known - Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are…

The brakes with golden flowers were crowned,And melody was heard around,When near a stream, a dew-drop shedIts lustre on a violet's head;While, trembling to the breeze, it hung.The streamlet as it rolled along,The beauty of the morn confessed,And…

Again, and oft again, thine image breaks Upon the solitude of silent thought; And ever as that blessed vision wakes, With such a tide of holy memories fraught, Earth, sense, and time fade from my spirit's sight, And heaven unbars her gates of…

And thus they flit away Earth's lovely things. Where's the snow - the summer's snow - On the lovely lilly flower? Where the hues the sunset shed O'er the rose's crimson hour? Where's the gold - the bright pure gold - O'er the young laburnum…

THOU wast the youngling of our flock - our little petted lamb,Whose presence ever shed around a holy, happy calm,When grieved, and worn, and sick at heart with worldly cares and men,Thine infant gladness freshen'd up, our drooping souls again.And…

Wake, soldier! - wake! - thy war-horse waits,
To bear thee so to the battle back; -
Thou slumbered at a forman's gates; -
Thy dog would break thy bivouac; -
Thy plume is trailing in the dust,
And thy red faulchion gathering rust!


See them go forth like the floods to the ocean. Gathering might from each tide mountains and glen. Wilder and deeper the tide of devotion Rolls up to God from the bosom of men. Here the great multitude, mingling in chorus. Groan as they gaze…

`Tis done! and the rocks of the mountains are parting,And mortals affrighted shrink back in dismay:The wild beasts that roam from their dens now are starting,And men fly disheartened, alarm'd on their way.They've slain their Preserver, their God and…
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