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I watch for thee when parting day
Sheds on the earth a lingering ray;
When his last blushes o'er the rose
A richer tint of crimson throws,
And every flowert's leaves are curled
Like beauty shrinking from the world;
When silence reigns o'er lawn…

I weep for thee! Thy miseries, Though unspoken, deeply felt— More deeply felt because unbreathed— A sister's heart may melt. I weep for thee, whose gen'rous love Has blessed and sheltered me; I weep for thee—may God above In mercy look on…

"I will be good, dear mother," I heard a sweet child say; "I will be good, now watch me!— I will be good all day." She lifted up her bright young eyes, With a soft and pleasing smile; Then a mother's kiss was on her lips, So free and pure from…

I wish I was again a child, To gambol on my native sward, To roam amid the woodly wild, And climb the jutting rocks so hard. How swift the winged moments then! How light of heart when school was o'er, I shelved the satchel, book and pen, The…

I'll think of thee when morn's first flush, Shall stream its glittering rays on high, Of thee, when twilight's crimson flush Shall spread and kiss the eastern sky,— I'll think of thee in gloomiest hours, And in the spring time's brightest…

My days pass pleasantly away; My nights are blest with sweepest sleep; I fees no symptom's of decay; I have no cause to mourn nor weep; My foes are impotent and shy; My friends are neither false nor cold, And yet, of late, I often sigh— I'm…

I've thrown the bowl aside. For me no more shall flow Its rudder stream or sparkling tide, How bright so o'er it glow; I've seen extending wide Its devastating away, Seen reason yield its power to guide - I've cast the bowl away! O, ne'er…

If I should go away, and ne'er return, - If I should find a home beneath a clime That grows the golden orange and the lime And all the fruits the heated tropics burn, - Would you recall the vanished hours, the time, When, in the hope of youth's all…

Christ, let me come to Thee! My heart is weary and I long for rest: Is not my earthly mission well-night done? I cannot bear this burden on my breast— It weights my spirit downward like a stone. My saddened life is ever [?] in clouds. And…

WAY-WORN pilgrim, child of fears,Cease thy sorrows, dry thy tears,Earth has pierced thee; - left aloneUrge to heaven that bitter moan.Pilgrim, wanderer, though thou be,Heaven shall soothe thy agony;Soon that pulse shall throb no more;But Heaven has…
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