Browse Items (752 total)

"One evening - `tis an eastern story ---The lilly slept, the bat was flitting,The sun, on clouds of crimson glory,Was like an ancient sultan sitting;The sky was dew, the air was balm,The camels by the tents were grazing,A pilgrim sat beneath a…

Lady! the day of brief enjoyment o'er,We bid adieu, perhaps to meet no more -And, like the summer's soft and dewy sky,Keep that our night of darkness is so nigh[ ] it as sweet to wander here with thee.[ ] in the spell thy presence could decreeWhich…

Lately, we wander'd sadly where, None watch'd our way, or mark'd our lot; Yet God beheld us, and His care Shielded the child that knew him not. We knew not God, and yet his Name Too often on our lips was found; He spar'd us - yes, the very same That…

Night turns to day: When sullen darkness lowers, And heaven and earth are hid from sight, Cheer up, cheer up; Ere long the opening flowers, With dewy eyes shall shine in light. Storms die in calms: When over land and ocean Roll the loud chariots of…

There was heard a song on the chiming sea, A mingled breathing of grief and glee; Man's voice, unbroken by sighs, was there, Filling with triumph the sunny air, Of fresh green lands, and of pastures new, It sang, while the bark through the surges…

An African Prince on his arrival in England being asked what he had given for his watch, answered, "What I would never give again - I gave a fine boy." When avarice enslaves the mind, And selfish views alone bear away, Man turns a savage to his…

Weep, Emeline, weep,And no tongue shall reprove thee;Weep, Emeline, weepFor the friends that did live thee.The flowers in the lightOf the sunshine are blooming;But the checks that were bright,In the grave are consuming.The birds on the treesSing as…

"The heavens, O Lord! Thy power proclaim,And the earth echoes back, Thy Name;Ten thousand voices speak Thy might,And day to day, and night to night,Utter Thy praise! - Thou Lord above!Thy praise - Thy glory - and Thy love.All things I see, or hear,…

Another's gone; and who comes next, Of all the sons of Pride? And is humanity perplex'd, "Because this one hath died?" The sons of men did raise their voice, And cry'd out in despair - "We will not come - we will not come, Whilst thou art waiting…

They have told me that thou art Not what thy lips have told, But a fickle thing, whose heart Is as vain as it is cold. They have told me that in turn, Pride and envy rule thy breast; That to-morrow thou wilt spurn, What to-day thou convetest; Tell me…
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