Browse Items (752 total)

Oh, mother! cease to break my heart! I vow it now, I vowed it then, The kiss he left upon my lips His lips shall one day taste again! Ah, well I mind the summer's eve! A low scud swept the waning moon; And o'er the ripened clover-lea Floated…

Via Cursis, Via Lucis It goes in and it comes out, now it fades, now is bright, And it guides by its darkness as well as its light. So a word fitly spoken is potent to teach, But silence sometimes talketh better than speech. Force winneth the battle,…

The royal casket fair. Hath ne'er a jewel rare From tropics brought, That we could e'er compare With gems of thought. Such gems as glow and glow, Ia beauty everymore: Upon each page; Whose earnest lines doth show Poet and sage. Sent on its mission…

In the clear air of this vernal morn, Azure above and crystal below. Ere the full glory of day is born, And shadows melt in its rosy glow, Wrapped in a billowy warp and woof— The smoke of our household incense—stands A fair white angel over the…

At length life's stormy voyage well nigh is done, These waves shall toss my fragile bark no more. But ah! - there waits the Judge, the unerring One, Who shall each work, and word, and thought explore! And is it so? - The fantasy is o'er That…

1. Where the wild Joliba Rolls his deep waters, Safe at their evening toil Afric's dark daughters. Where the thick Mangroves Broad shadows were flinging, Each o'er her lone loom Bent mournfully singing - "Alas! for the white man! o'er…

There were bright vision's in my dreams, Sights of my native land - How beautiful her bonny streams, Flowing o'er golden sand - How beautiful the flowers beside, Stooping to drink their silver tide. My old companions bounding came From bamboo…

It was clear and pleasant night -The moon and stars reflected bright -And all was still, and on the sea`Twas sweet and calm serenity -When, borne on by a gentle gale,I saw a vessel proudly sail,And on her deck a wretch I saw;On whom I gaz'd with pain…

Chain'd in the market place he stood, A man of giant frame, Amid the gathering multitude, That shrunk to hear his name - All stern of look and strong of limb, His dark eye on the ground - And silently they gaz'd on him, As on a lion…

Oh, a wonderful stream is the river of Time, As it runs through the realms of tears, With a faultless rhythm and a musical rhyme,And a borad'ning sweep, and a surge sublime, That bends with the ocean of years. How the winters are drifting like…
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