Browse Items (752 total)

O empty sound, so fraught with woe, What dost thou come to pest me so - Why trouble me at all? Whene'er I would my troubles hide, Whatever else hath left my side, Thou needst not a call. Thou hoverest near against my will, Through sunshine and…

A glimmering haze upon the landscape rests;
The sky has on a softer robe of blue;
And the slant sunbeams glisten mildly through
The floating clouds that light their pearly crests
'Mid the pure currents of the upper air.
The fields are dress'd in…

Be still, thou heart of mine! Why dost thou throb against thy will! Why watch the every move of him Who loves thee not, whom thou lov'st still? Why dost thou start in fear? Why let it cause one mite of pain? Why keep the faded flower, his…

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" One who knew has wisely said, Since it gives us time to ponder Over love, though living, dead! As we will, the sweet face haunts us And the voice we love is heard, Though the accent pains and taunts…

Although we are so near, we are so far, As if the seat of [?] did intervene; I cannot share the glories of thy star, I cannot dwell where thou [?] queen! So I the slender thread of life pursue, True as thou art to me, shall I be true.

The waves dashed high, the thunders echoed far, -
The lightnings flashed into the dismal gloom
The flames heated in Nature's troubled womb;
And earth was shaken by the furious war;
The Ship of State was strained in every spar;
And strong men…

Singst thou of love, my pretty bird, Singst thou of love? Thy melody my heart has stirred. Singst thou of love? Thy ovice doth fill th morning airWith notes of restful song that bearA message that methinks I've heardBefore. Singst thou of love,…

I am a child of Southern lands: Dark blood flows through my veins; My heart is white as any man's, And love as deep there reigns. And as my life is good or bad, So my reward shall be; And though I am a colored lad I'll rank the same as he Who…

'Mid night's sweet calm, when day in sleepDoth feel the breadth and lengthened sweepOf Time's grim chase to catch the years,There comes to Earth the chiding fears That revel in the starry deep Those thuds of woeful pain that steepThe soul in…

O'dearest Christ, lift up my heart, Light up my soul to love Thee more; Let me with angels bear my part, Bow down and worship and adore. O Holy, Glorious Majesty, I would be where the sainted dwell; I would in spirit rise to Thee Above the…
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