Browse Items (752 total)

Oh! how charming the scenes appear! When nature is blooming and gay, And the golden harvest is near, And the lawns in flow'ry array. How beauteous, the sloping green hills, And groves fann'd zephyr's mild breath; The silvery murmuring rills; And the…

Oh let me die in my primal day, While my morning sun with brightness shines, Ere this cold world chase my joys away, Ere the blushing flower of life declines. Oh let me die while life is young, While feelings live and the passions play - While the…

Oh! what is pleasure, in whose chase, Life's one brief day is made a race Of vanity and lightness? A star to gaze on, whose bright crown, We wait until the sun goes down, And find when it has o'er us shone, No warmth in all its brightness! And what…

Land of the wise! where Science broke Like morning from chaotic deeps, Where Moses, holy prophet, woke, Where Parsons, youthful martyr, sleeps. Land of the brave! where Carthage rear'd 'Gainst haughty Rome, a warrior's crest; Where Cato, like a God…

Dearest, dry that tearful eye - Dearest, check that mournful sigh: Let not hope thy bosom fly, Nor sorrow longer move thee: For by that pale cheek I swear - By those eyes of beauty rare - By the pure soul shining there - I'll never cease to love…

Come let me pluck that silver hair Which 'mid thy curling locks I see; The withering type of time or care Hath nothing, sure, to do with thee! Years have not yet impaired the grace That charmed me once, that chains me now! And Envy's self, Love,…

Friend after friend departs; Who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end, Living not dying, none were blest. Beyond the flight of time, Beyond the reign of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where…

Bright as the beam that shone on the young earth, Fresh and exulting from her recent birth, Purer than purest wave of ocean, flows From pity's eye the tear for other's woes. The wandering Indian, Nature's untaught child, Nurs'd in the bosom of the…

All are not just because they do no wrong;
But he who will not wrong me when he may,
He is the TRULY JUST I praise not them
Who in their petty dealings pilfer not;
But him who spurns a secret fraud,
Where he might plunder and defy surprize.

I'll hie to the westward, my own native home, On the breast of the dark rolling river; My light bark shall dance o'er its water in foam, With the force that a strong arm can give her. I'll hie to the west, to the land of my birth, And revisit the…
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