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Sweet the mission that it brings,O'er our life a joy it flings,We now hail it with delight,Like a vision calm and bright.Through the vale of passing years,Through the mist of earthly cares,Summer comes with breezes sweet,Loving homes and hearts to…

Farewell, brother's gentle breezes Waft thee o'er the briny deep; May the eye that never slumbers His sure vigils o'er the keep. May the hand that's never weary, Blessings give to thee and thine; Blessings on them, Holy Father, From thy never…

I saw thee in thy morning,Of youthful beauty grace and love;When art lent her adorning,The gifts of nature to improve.Thou wast a Queen in splendor,And thine to conquer ev'ry heart;Ah! me how soft and tender,Each thrilling glance thou did'st…

Hie to the mountain afar, All in the cool of the even, Led by you beautiful star, First of the daughters of Heaven. Sweet to the slave is the season of rest - Something far sweeter he looks for to-night; His heart lies…

Is this the land our fathers loved? The freedom which they toiled to wine? Is this the soil whereon they moved? Are these the graves they slumber in? Are we the dons by whom is borne The mantle which the dead have worn? And shall we crouch above…

Perched on a rock, I proudly gaze Upon the world below; A broad champing before me lies. Where streams like brooklets flow The tree is dwindled to the shrub, The palace to the shed; Man to a speck--small as the grub Crushed 'neath his…

Why rove so oft from clime to clime In search of pleasures driven? Fate has pronounced throughout all time, This world is not a Heaven! Why toil for honour, wealth or fame, Our hearts to dross so given? These, as they pass ONE truth proclaim, This…

He told me I was fair as morn,Mine eyes were bright as stars of even;In fine, that I was seraph born,Could make his lot an earthly heaven.I lov'd him well albeit I might,Have deem'd his praise as vainly offer'd;I thought him true with fond…

Oh haste thee, haste thee, the wreath will fade,We have twin'd to deck thy hair;Come, quickly come, too long thou hast staid,For the gay, and the happy are there.We have nam'd thee, Queen of the fairy ring,We wait but to crown thy brow;And wilt thou…

OH, tell me what sanative powerThere is for the sorrowing heart:What sunbeam to pierce the dark hourWhen the flick'rings of Fortune depart!KIND friends! oh, they last but a dayWhen our sun of prosperity's highThey sink with its setting away -Are flow…
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