Browse Items (752 total)

If yon bright stars, which gem the night, Be each a blissful dwelling sphere, Where kindred spirits re-unite, Whom death has torn asunder here; How sweet it were at once to die, And leave this blighted orb afar, Mixt soul and soul to cleave the…

Go forth my mite! and join the heap, That philanthropy bestows: Go save our Press, our friends go keep, In safety from all foes. Be not abashed - resign thy fear, That weak, and poor thou art: 'Twas honest labor brought thee here, 'Tis freedom…

One closing sultry summer day,I wandered forth the viewThe beauties of my native vale;The scenes seemed ever new.There danc'd the sunbeams on each hill,Here shade did intervene;While murm'ring sounds rose from each rill,As it cours'd through foliage…

Lady, `tis true we ne'er have metOn lowland vale or upland lea,To utter joy, or weep regret,For friends estrang'd or sweets that flee.Perhaps thy heart hath known no ill,That pains the breast to sad distress;Forcing the tear to roll at will,For…

O! dreadful, crushing thought, that grinds itselfInto the soul of him who knows and feelsHe bears a name whose mention will debarHim from all right. It indicates no crime—Fixes upon the soul no stain of sin—And from the exalted character of manTakes…

"Blessed are the dead who die in the LORD." REV. xiv. 3."These are they which came out of great tribulation." REC. vii. 14.FINISHED is thy strife, thy conflict's o'er,The eyes that wept are now to weep no more:GOD shall wipe away all tears in…

How solemn was the closing scene, When she yielded her last breath; How sweetly beamed the smile serene Upon the cheek of death. Her lovely hope no fears could blight, No pain her peace destroy, She viewed above, the beams of light, A pure and…

Thou hast passed away, as the flower that bloom'd In the light of the morning sun; When evening came with its chilly gloom, Like the flower thy course was run. We gazed on thee in the pride of youth, When thy heart was light and gay; And could not…

We entered noiselessly, - our spirits quelled,Our passions hushed to quietude: there stoleO'er us a kind of awe, a solemn, deep,And softening emotion; o'er our soulsThe tide unbidden swept; 't was sweet, and yetIt saddened with a sadness which it…

Child of the everlasting God! Heir of a kingly throne! Rough was the path thy Saviour trod, And rough must be thine own, Yet hath the "Hope of Israel" said, "Where'er that path may lead, I thy salvation and thy head, Will help thee in thy…
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