Browse Items (752 total)

Bright as the beam that shone on the young earth, Fresh and exulting from her recent birth, Purer than purest wave of ocean, flows From pity's eye the tear for other's woes. The wandering Indian, Nature's untaught child, Nurs'd in the bosom of the…

See, Freedom's eagle droops her plume, And bends her noble crest, In grief for him who martyred fell, In Liberty's contest. Not Broderick only, but the cause Was riven by the blow, And treachery, with blackened art, Has slain her bravest…

IS GLOUCESTER dead! The man of GOD?Why! I saw him, but the other dayWith cheerfulness upon his brow,Oh! has he now so soon decayed!YES, I saw him, mount the sacred desk;There, with energy proclaim the truth,While, listening ears, hung upon his…

Our brother has fallen, his spirit has fledTo God who gave it. He sleepeth—not deadHe liveth in Heaven the city of God,Forever redeemed through Jesus the Word,He's fallen—weep not,—how happy his lot!Though fallen, yet risen—with us he is not.—He is…

Farewell, holy man, gone home to thy rest, - While o'er thee each friend of humanity weeps; And the children of grief thy philanthropy blest, Bend in silence around where the peace-maker sleeps. No more can the lonely and desolate heart Be…

When evening bids the sun to rest retire,Unwearied Either sets her lamps on fire,Lit by one torch, each is supplied in turn,`Till all the candles in the concave burn.The right hawk now with his nocturnal toneWakes up, and all the owls begin to…

"There is a voice from the tomb sweeter than song. There is a resemblance of the dead to which we turn, even from the charms of the living." The grave hath many a jewel rare Beneath the cypress tree - But Death ne'er placed a casket there More…

To speak thy praise, be mine - brave Washington -Thou for thy country hast the laurel won.Heaven raised thee up, and sent thee to the field. -Thy country's foes at last were forced to yield.Wisdom and zeal were both in thee combined. -Thine was a…

Nature's great debt is paid - her spirit's fled,Thy playful Mary's numbered with the dead:Why starts that tear? why, sister, why repine?Why murmur at thy Master's will divine?"She sip'd but lightly of life's bitter cup,Refused to drink the unsavory…

Oh! bid the breast where sorrow's dartHath lightly press'd its barb of pain,To wake to joy and know the artEach care corroding to restrain.But mock me not with lightsome song,For well thou know'st this heart of mine,Can ill disperse its woes that…
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