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Proudly on Cressy's tented wold The Lion flag of England flew; As proudly gleamed its crimson fold O'er the dun heights of Waterloo: But other lyres shall greet the brave; Sing now, that we have freed the Slave. The ocean plain, where Nelson…

Oh! thine was love so pure and sweet, So tender, firm, and so sincere, How often have we met to greet Each new, each happy year. Then hours flew unheeded by, By giddy mirth and song: But death, alas! has clos'd the eye, Which shone in pleasure's…

Blest hours of childhood, then and then aloneDance we the revels gay round pleasure's throne.(Thoughts of recluseDear cherished hours how much ye tell,Of all once known and lov'd so well;On memory's page one leaf is there,Bearing a trace of joys that…

Once in life's young, cheerful day, Two youthful hearts were joined together— One in sorrow, one in play, So truly did they love each other. Thus to maidenhood they grew: Affection's chain so closely bound them That 'twas useless, all well…

Farewell to thee, sweet summer, Thou art almost past away, And wither'd are the roses, So lately fresh and gay; Of if in sunny bowers Some few may yet be found, They too soon will be faded, And scattered o'er the ground. Farewell to thee,…

"When he went from the jail to the gallows, he stooped to kiss a colored child that stood near."The following lines were written by Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, and sung at the Music Hall, on the twenty-sixth National Anti-Slavery…

Philanthropist. Wearing pedestrian, where are you goingBundle in one hand, and bandbox in t'other? Irish Help. Going to seek a new place, if you plase, sir—Sad is my heart, though my feeling I smother Philanthropist. Yes, in your face I see…

I'll think of thee when morn's first flush, Shall stream its glittering rays on high, Of thee, when twilight's crimson flush Shall spread and kiss the eastern sky,— I'll think of thee in gloomiest hours, And in the spring time's brightest…

Go forth with Nature - she hath many voices, Speaking deep lessons to the human heart, Where the blue streamlet in its course rejoices, And where amid the forest wild birds dart, Bearing in some sweet chorus each a part; Wind, wave, and blossom,…

Were I as black as ebony - Dy'd with a torrid sun, Or with his milder beams but tinged A Hindoo, brown or dun; Or was I of the sallow hue Where temperate beams prevail - Or did I wear a snowy brow, By Northern winds bleached pale; The cause I…
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