Browse Items (752 total)

`Tis Spring and Winter in his iron car,Has wheel'd his progress to the arctic shores,Now Ursus wafts his balmy gales from far,And Sol his warm and bright effulgence poursAnd see, Old Frost, his prison gates unbar;Each captive he to liberty…

Spirit of joy! thy altar lies In youthful hearts, that hope like mine. And 'tis the light of laughing eyes That leads us to thy fairy shrine. There if we find the sigh, the tear, They are not those to sorrow known, But breathe so soft, and…

The sun is gone; and clouds of gold,As banners on the breeze unrolled,Crowned with imperial purple, rise;And light, as calm as India's skies,Gilds nature; aye, a holier ray,Purer and kindlier than day - As if a gleam from Heaven, Bursting the…

I know that it must be, Yea! thou art changed—all worshipped as thou art— Mourned as thou shalt be! Sickness of the heart Hath done its work on thee! Thy dim eyes tell a tale, A piteous tale, of vigils; and the traceOf bitter tears is on thy…

Thou art a harsh instructer - yet by thee We learn important lessons; thou dost teach How frail and fleeting earthly hopes may be How oft the goal recedes we strive to reach; Thine is a form of darkness, and we turn Heart-sick and weary from the…

Toussaint, the most unhappy of men! Whether the whistling rustic tends his plough, Within thy hearing, or thou liest now Buried in some deep dungeon's carless den;—O, miserable chieftain! where and when Wilt thou find patience? Yet, die not! Do…

See a fond mother, and her young ones round, Her soul soft melting with maternal love, Some to her breast she clasps, and others prove By kisses her affection: on the ground Her ready foot affords a rest for one, Another smiling sits upon her…

Dear native river, I am on thy shore-When 'erst I wander'd in youth's joyous days,And with what rapture, he, who gaz'd before,In after years reviews again thy ways,Thy sweeping elms, each lofty sycamoreIn whose broad shade he stole from Phoebus'…

There is no peculiarity of my native New England I miss so much as the roaring of the sea. Extract from a Letter. The roaring sea - the roaring sea! How would my heart rejoice To pace again its sandy shores, To hear its thunder voice! I pine to…

While I stand in the land of my birth, I will stand in it upright and free; Or my body shall cover the earth, Ere I bow to oppression my knee! Here's a hand for a cause that is just - Here's a heart that's liberty's throne; But they both…
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