Browse Items (752 total)

While sleep my senses bound, There stole upon my ear A rapturous and unearthly sound Of voices soft and clear. For one short fleeting breath, Methought angelic forms, From this low world of sin and death, Had borne me in their arms. At…

"It is good for us to be here: if thou wilt let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias." Matt. xvii. 4. Methinks it is good to be here; If thou wilt let us build - but for whom? Nor Elias nor Moses…

Deep in this grave, her bones remain, -She's sleeping on bereft of pain, -Her tongue in silence now does sleep,And she no more times call can greet.She lived, as all God's saints should do,Resigned to death, and suffering too:She feel's not pain, nor…

Thy work is done, thy toiling ceased,And from thy cares thou seekest rest;Thou hast done well, a race wll bless,And heavn reward thy faithfulness.Thy voice was heard for human right,Thy heart grew strong and spent its mightFor human weal. Thy beacon…

I miss thee, dear daughter—thy image is still Most deeply impressed on my heart; A remembrance of Lee and his murderous will, From my worn mind can never depart. Thou wert torn from my side when I treasured thee most, When my reason could…

WHAT! live an old maid! the idea is distressing,Be banish'd for ever the thought - 'tis unkind;Remember great Natur's design, you're transgressing,By leaving the pleasures of marriage behind.WHY live an old maid? - have Love's arrows lost powerTo…

Oh! dreadful, crushing thought, that grinds itselfInto the soul of him, who knows and feels, He bears a name, whose mention will debar Him from all right. It indicates no crime-- Fixes upon the soul no stain of sin, And from the exalted character of…

Token of friendship true and tried, From one whose fiery heart of youth With mine has beaten side by side, For Liberty and Truth: With honest pride the gift I take And prize it for the giver's sake. But not alone because it tells Of generous…

Thou art gone, brave man, yet hope has loaned Her rays to light the gloom, And dispel the tears that sorrow shed Upon the hero's tomb. Thy end was as the setting sun, Whose tints forbid regret, A rainbow mid the clouds, to show That God…

Linger not long! Home is not home without thee, Its dearest token only make me mourn: Oh! let its memory, like a chain about thee, Gently compel and hasten thy return. Linger not long! Linger not long! Though crowds should woo thy…
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