Browse Items (752 total)

All day long in the crowded street,
Wand'ring about with shoeless feet,
Waif of the shadows, poor and sad,
No cheering friend to make her glad,
No one has she to light her way,
She walks about the long, long day,
Holding flowers to passers…

Saviour, now the day is o'er,On a child thy blessing pour;Wash me in thy dying blood,Pardon my sin and make me good.Let my head lean on thy breast,While in sleep I sweetly rest;On me keep thy watchful eye,Lest I suffer, faint or die:Wake me in the…

Savior hear a little childOffer thee a morning prayer:Change my heart and make it mild,That all may see thy image there.Didst thou hear my evening prayer,And let me sleep upon thy breast?Was my health and life thy care.That in sleep I sweet did…

Do something for each other— Though small the help may be; There's comfort oft in little things, Far more than others see! It takes the sorrow from the eye, It leaves the world less bare, If but a friendly hand come nigh When friendly hands…

The world is half-darkened with the croakers, Whose burdens are weighing them down; They croak of their stars and ill-usage. And grope in the ditch for a crown. Why talk to the wind of thy fortune, Or clutch at distinction and gold? If thou…


"Lord, thou art great!" I cry when in the East, The day is blooming like a rose of fire, When to partake anew of life's rich feast Nature and man awake with fresh desire; When art thou seen more gracious, God of power? Than in the morn's great…

"In all losses I would have a doubled prospect, I would consider what I have lost, and I would have regard to what I have left. It may be in my loss I may find a benefit; I may be rid with it of a trouble, a snare, or a danger." - Owen Feltham. What…

My youth? Ah, yes; just through the door; yes, there. The room is empty? Strange. I left it not A moment since, I vow, upon a chair Just where you looked; and now 'tis gone? Sad lot. The past's a thief. 'Twas first my childhood, now It is my…

Did'st thou see, Love this dawning Sweet rose? I've wandered O, so far, Sweet rose; Yes, wandered since the morning First stole her speech from night And gave the world forewarning Of loss of sleep and star;And, yet, Iv'e caught no sight Of…
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