Browse Items (752 total)

A truly affecting and instructive incident, which can hardly fail to come home to one's bosom with salutary force."Mother," said a little sick son, about four years of age, "will you pray? - I can't say 'Our Father' now."----Pray, mother, pray, for…

Heard ye the whisper of the breeze, As soft it murmured by, Amid the shadowy forest trees? It tells, with meaning sigh, Of the bowers of bliss on that viewless shore, Where the weary spirit shall sin no more. While sweet and low in crystal…

Come to thy secret chamber - oh, my soul,Deep, deep within, - The thrilling harp of loveThat cheers thee daily with its symphoniesBid it keep silence, and the hand of hopeRest 'mid the rose-buds it would weave for thee;Repel intrusive care, and bid…

A gentle, holy quiet rests Upon her heavenly face, And on her forehead, fair and smooth, Dwells not an angry trace! No wrinkle there of discontent, Or anxious care is seen; But peace sits smiling on that brow, All polished and serene. The…

I knew a widow, very poor, Who four small children had; The oldest was but six years old - A gentle modest lad. And very hard that widow toiled, To feed her children four: And honest pride the woman felt, Though she was very poor. To labor,…

The evening was glorious, and light through the treesPlayed the sunshine and rain-drops, the birds and the breeze;The landscape, outstretching in loveliness, layOn the lap of the year, in the beauty of May.For the queen of the spring, as she passed…

"Now I saw in my dream, that the highway which Christian was to go, was fenced on either side with a wall, and that wall was called Salvation; Isaiah 26; 1. Up this way, therefore, did burdened Christian run, but not without great difficulty, because…

Farewell, holy man, gone home to thy rest, - While o'er thee each friend of humanity weeps; And the children of grief thy philanthropy blest, Bend in silence around where the peace-maker sleeps. No more can the lonely and desolate heart Be…

"One by one the objects of our affection depart from us. ----- Thou glorious Spirit-land! O, that I could behold thee as thou art, - the region of life, and light, and love, and the dwelling-place of those beloved ones, whose being has flowed onward…

We come o'er mountain top,And inland sea!We come from whence rises upSongs of the free!We come up from Montauk,Where old Ocean's waveSwells proudly, dies gently onShore; 'tis her grave.We come up from Flushing,Will'sburg* and Newtown,From Brooklyn,…
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