Browse Items (752 total)

What matters if the world be wrong or right,
The wrong to-day to-morrow brings to sight,
O'er all supreme the one and only right.
The problem's past my solving, hapless wight,
I only know I'm tired, quench the light,
To all the universe, good…

Beautiful evening! my bewildered brain And aching bosom, with fond orisons, bless The coming of thy shadows - faint with pain, And yearning for the hours of quietness That follow in the twilight. The fair morn Unfurls o'er eastern hills her…

'Tis evening now - the Sun's last smileSoft on the snowy peaks is flung;And o'er the shadowy dells, the while,The veil of gathering night is hung,Dark, and more deep, the shades come down,And softer glows the fading light,'Till the last beam of day…

There is an evening twilight of the heart, When its wild passion-waves are lulled to rest, And the eye sees life's fairy scenes depart, As fades the day beam in the rosy west. 'Tis with a nameless feeling of regret We gaze upon them as they melt…

A rock for ages stern and high,Stood frowning 'gainst the earth and sky;And never bowed his haughty crest,When angry storms around him prest.Morn springing from the arms of night,Had often bathed his brow with light;And kissed the shadows from his…

WEEP, orphans, weep! - for ye have lost a friend - Ye widows, shed the tributary tear; Ye sons of want - come, and in sadness bend O'er the loved form - now cold and lifeless here; Weep, captives, weep! - ye sick and injur'd too, Ye lone and…

A sound of tumult troubles all the air, Like the low thunder of a sultry sky, Far rolling ere the downright lightning's glare; The hills blaze red with warning; foes draw nigh. Treading the dark with challenge and reply.Behold the burdn of the…

ONWARD! our noble champion! Though clouds above thee lower, Though friend and foe alike combine - Thou wilt not dread their power. Onward! for faint hearts look to thee For courage 'mid the storm' And many a fervent prayer goes up To shield…

March 29th, A.D. 1860, an attempt was made in Philadelphia to rescue Moses Horner, a man who had been kidnapped under the fugitive slave act, and was being dragged into slavery. For this attempt Alfred M. Green, Jeremiah Buck, Basil Hall, St. Clair…

Hail to thee! bright and ever rolling moon,Wheeling thy car in splendour through the sky;Thou art to mortals a most welcome boon,When waves Old Night his ebon [sic] wand on high,Thou beamest in thy beauty and how soonFlee the light clouds with their…
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