Browse Items (752 total)

"Why, the right of petition was a boon granted by heaven to man, and the Majesty of Heaven designed to hear the prayer of the slave for mercy." Ah! yes, in heaven his prayer is heard - Presented by the Son of God - The slave's petition there, No…

[cut off from scans] To quench this [?] thirst within? Here on this cursed bed I lie, And cannot get one drop of gin! I ask not health, not even life— Life! what a curse it's been to me! I'd rather sink in deepest hell, Than drink again its…

I little knew the worth of sight, Before m lamp was snatched away, Ah! had I garnered up the light, My mind had not been dark to-day; Had coming eve foreshadowed thought, How precious then would morn have been; Alas! I saw not what I…

O, ever thus throughout my way, From dawning life till closing hour, Must slavery cloud my fairest day, Its hellish blackness round me lower. The flesh and soul shall man enchain, And shackles lock on limbs and mind, Yet none be found to case…

A friend in need? Ah, yes - I know - you mean,
My boy, that something which all men have sought
In one way or another: still, they've caught
It not. A phantom's fitting form you've seen,
Some sad, wild Winter's night, when you have been

Philanthropist. Wearing pedestrian, where are you goingBundle in one hand, and bandbox in t'other? Irish Help. Going to seek a new place, if you plase, sir—Sad is my heart, though my feeling I smother Philanthropist. Yes, in your face I see…

'EARTH to earth, and dust to dust!'Here the evil and the just,Here the youthful and the old,Here the fearful and the bold;Here the matron and the maidIn one silent bed are laid;Here the vassal and the kingSide by side lie withering;Here the sword and…

I dreamed last nightThat ballots fell like rain;That boxes overflowedAnd filled again;That joy expanded every manly breastAnd Fassett's name was leading all the rest.I dreamed the pollsWere crowded all the day;That waiting onesReluctant turned…

Bland as the morning's breath of June, The south-west breezes play, And through it's haze the winter's noon Seems warm as summer's day. The snow-plumed angel of the north Has dropped his icy spear: Again the mossy earth looks forth, Again the…

A dreamer? Yes. Why not? You have your way.
You think, perhaps you even dream. I know
Not if you dream like me; but whether so
Or otherwise, have you ne'er felt the day
Steal to your heart and bring the light and play
Of incompleted want? Hath…
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