Browse Items (752 total)

Men of the North and West, Wake in your might, Prepare, as the rebels have done; For the Fight; You cannot shrink from the test, Rise! Men of the North and West! They have torn down your banner of stars; They have trampled the laws; They have…

Around thee shall the prairie roll its green And flowery billows far off in the sun, And a deep murmur rise from that wide scene, The solemn and low-chanted hymn of one Whose spirit, like the sunshine beaming bright, Poured for the mellow light…

'Vergiss die treuen todten nicht!'* 1. Dear sainted one! how calmly turns my mind to vanish'd days,With what a deep delight I dwell on all thy words and ways;Thy bright sweet smiles, thy beaming glance, thy open tranquil brow,With what a life-like…

Now, the nuptial knot is tied,Su'da attends the lovely bride;Crown her, ye celestial powers,Flora, strew her path with flowers.Ye nine, your golden harps employ;To melting strains of nuptial joy;Oh! Cupid prove the gentle guide!To this new, this…

"There is poetry that is not written: - it is living in the hearts of many to whom rhyme is a mystery." - N.P. Willis. Thou hast a fragrant, beauteous flower, Whose kindred blossoms wave In ev'ry breeze that floats around The bard of Avon's…

Farewell! my dear friend, but I leave you with sorrow,And regret pains my breast that we ever must part;For in youth I look'd forward with hope to the morrow,That should give and bind to me a soul without art.I found thee congenial, my heart hail'd…

The liquid chrystal glitters in thine eye,The pearly dew drop quivers on they cheek,Thy snowy bosom heaves the trembling sigh,What can they grief dispel? - Speak, Lady Speak!Thy ivory brow with thought is overcast,Thy dulcet accents tremulously…

Sweet minstrel, take thy harp again,And breathe upon its chords of fire;I claim one warm responsive strainOf holy friendship from thy lyre.No brighter them can poet ask,That fountain of Platonic love:Then sing, for thou art meet the task,Thy draught…

Fie, Philo, how you talk, You're mad, Mad, man, I say, as mad as death. Dost think men live and walk This earth for life alone? You balk The truth, you - waste your breath, You're mad. Men live for Truth, I know, For Truth; Truth, man, for…

I simply asked a song My fancy to amuse; How could'st thy cruel scorn My trustful heart abase? The boon thou would'st not give Fair Jessie granted me; Still may life's joy e'er live To bring no pain to thee. Had'st thou but first asked…
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