To the Memory of Ann G. Chapman who Died March 24th, 1837

Dublin Core


To the Memory of Ann G. Chapman who Died March 24th, 1837


'Vergiss die treuen todten nicht!'*

Dear sainted one! how calmly turns my mind to vanish'd days,
With what a deep delight I dwell on all thy words and ways;
Thy bright sweet smiles, thy beaming glance, thy open tranquil brow,
With what a life-like vividness they greet my fancy now!
Thy voice so clear and musical - I seem to hear the tone,
In which thy lips were wont to make the bond-man's cause thine own,
I yet can hear the fervent words, impassioned and sincere,
So full of love and earnestness, so free from doubt and fear.
How oft in hours of anxious thought, in moments of dismay,
Thy glowing hopes have shed a light around our onward way!
Strong in thy own calm purposes and aspirations pure,
However dark to others, the road to thee was sure.
Oh, thanks be unto God, for all the memories of the past!
Thanks for the life so good and true, and stead- fast to the last;
Thanks for the death so calmly met; thanks for the radiance shed
Around our future pathway from off they dying bed.
When our own hour of parting strife at length draws darkly on.
Will it not comfort us to think that thou the fight hast won?
O will not though, dear spirit, then, once more to earth descend,
And, though to us invisible, thy blessed influence lend!
I will not say to thee, 'Farewell!' - 'tis but a little while,
Before my eyes once more shall meet that sweet and gentle smile;
Before my ears once more shall hear the music of thy voice,
While clothed in immortality, thy spirit shall rejoice.

March 27, 1827.

*'Forget not the faithful dead.'




1:16, p. 3




A.W.W., “To the Memory of Ann G. Chapman who Died March 24th, 1837,” Periodical Poets, accessed September 7, 2024,


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