Browse Items (752 total)

Chain'd foot to foot and hand to hand, The captives took their way, Goaded along by scourge or brand, Wearied and sad, to the distant strand Where the darkling slave-ship lay. Fearful its hidden dangers were, Where comes no breath of balmy air To…

SCENE. School Room, school in session.Dramatie Personae:Teacher. A bachelor rising thirty.Pupil. A beautiful girl of sixteen I see that curling and high arched brown, "Scold thee?" aye that I will, Pouting I see thee still, Thou Jade! I know that…

I exist, and yet of what avail am I; What poor human need leans on me?What aid am I to fellow weakness?The iron hoof of nations has trod upon me,As upon the worm that crawls the ground;But unlike the worm, I turn not crushed.The contumely, scorn,…

Day breaks triumphant o'er the deep And laughs the shades of night away! Onward the waves resplendent sweep, And mountain streams flash back the ray! Then burst from bough and kindling air, A thousand wild enchanting lays; Till forest depth and…

I. O COLDLY gleams the setting sun, And the dews of eve are chill; The flood is in the valley, And the mist upon the hill. November's blast comes sweeping Through the forest lone and sere - And the waning year goes creeping, To her cold and…

"Now I saw in my dream, that the highway which Christian was to go, was fenced on either side with a wall, and that wall was called Salvation; Isaiah 26; 1. Up this way, therefore, did burdened Christian run, but not without great difficulty, because…

Restore the Fugitive! Ay, whenThe Son of Gods descends again And bids me never more to do As I would fain be done unto. Restore the Fugitive! I willWhen God's own voice in man is still, And wrong is right by God's decree, And light and air no…

There is the grasshopper, my summer friend, - The minute sound of many a sunny hour Passed on a thymy hill, when I could send My soul in search thereof by bank and bower, Till lured far from it by a foxglove flower, Nodding too dangerously above…

ALAS! I am an Orphan Boy, With nought on earth to cheer my heart; No father's love, no mother's joy, No kin nor kind to take my part. My lodging is the cold, cold ground, I eat the bread of charity; And when the kiss of loves goes round, There…
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