Browse Items (752 total)

No more shall sorrow grave my browWith furrows deep as once she did;No more will I supinely bow,For reason, pace, and all forbid.I gave my heart away to grief,That of the tender melting kind:And e'en I had a fond beliefThat here was pleasure quite…

Dear native river, I am on thy shore-When 'erst I wander'd in youth's joyous days,And with what rapture, he, who gaz'd before,In after years reviews again thy ways,Thy sweeping elms, each lofty sycamoreIn whose broad shade he stole from Phoebus'…

Spring hath bless'd us with its flowersBlooming on the woodland sod;Birds have caroll'd o'er our bowersMusic wheresoe'er we've trod.Gone! they've fled, and summer smilingCame with sylphid step o'er earth,All our fancied ills beguiling,Wings to care…

How sweetly sinks the setting sunO'er yon blue mountain in the west,And man his daily labour done,Betakes him to his home and rest.Behold the scene! how soft and fair;Not yet hath twilight wheel'd her car,But o'er the valley, through the air,The…

Down, down, Ellen, my little one, Climbing so tenderly up to my knee; Why should you add to the thoughts that are taunting me, Dreams of your mother's arms clinging to me? Cease, cease, Ellen my little one, Warbling so fairily close to my…

Beyond the smiling and the weeping, I shall be soon; Beyond the waking and the sleeping, I shall be soon; Love, rest, and home, Sweet home! Lord, tarry not, but come. Beyond the blooming and the fading, I shall be soon; Beyond the…

"He has no enemies," you say, I pity his condition; His candor he has thrown away, His manhood and position. "He has no enemies!" well, then, The reason is he never Has heart to act, but only when He sees which way the weather. "He has no…

Autumn! I love thy tinted looks, Thy faded leaves, and chilling brooks, And variegated flowers; Thy cooling winds and wither'd grass, Precurser of the stormy glast, And fluctuating showers. Thy cloudy days and chilling nights, And ripen'd fruits,…

Peace to thee, father, thou hast gone To that blest shore— Thy last great battle's fought and won, Thy conflict's o'er. As dew drops from the flowers above On earth distill'd, Thy melting words, like floods of love, Our hearts have…

My harp has long neglected laid, And very little music made; My Muse, at length, has fann'd the fire, And Freedom sweet attunes my lyre. FREEDOM's embalm'd in every heart, And oh! how loath with it we part! Pursu'd by all, by all desir'd, Caress'd by…
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